
Lego my Eggo! Lego are one of the world's most successful toys, and probably a big reason behind games like Minecraft. Building blocks that allowed us to build fantastic scenes and epic battles that kept us occupied for hours. So take a trip back to childhood, or your basement now, and enjoy these hilarious lego memes puns and jokes.

giant Image lego mall nerdgasm robot toy - 5073324288

Lego Robo WIN

futurama Image lego nerdgasm - 5065260544

Lego Futurama WIN

fashion helmet Image lego motorcycle - 5022265088

Lego Racer WIN

Image lego zoo - 5001717504

Lego Zoo WIN

dual use Image lego safety first tires - 4958076928

Lego My Valve!

animals Image lego lion statue - 4878192640

Majestic Lego WIN

computer computer fan computer repair dual use fans Image laptop lego - 4792158208

2-For-1 Fix

1098006 awesome guitar Image lego ukulele - 4802597120

Lego Ukulele WIN

1098006 art awesome Image lego sculpture - 4775024384

Lego Art WIN

1098006 Image Inception lego movies - 4777102080

Lego Inception Set WIN

art bicycle bike clever creative Image lego not a kludge - 4767237632

Lego Kludge: And I Thought My Seat Was Uncomfortable

lego Music star wars Video - 19321345


gifs Image lego nerdgasm stop motion video games zombie - 4668785152

Lego 4 Dead WIN

Image lego win witty reply wtf - 4485615616

Legos and Babies

lego not a kludge Video - 12253953


lego Music queen rock star Uncategorized - 4172498176
