

'I read him the riot act in front of staff and customers': 20+ Job interviews that candidates walked out on

'I read him the riot act in front of staff and customers': 20+ Disastrous job interviews that candidates walked out on

These job candidates really needed a job, but they weren't desperate enough to stay at interviews that were totally wrong for them. Sometimes you can just tell right away that the job isn't going to be the right fit for you. Most of us would just stick out the interview and call it a loss after the fact. But these folks just walked right out, saving themselves both time and dignity. A major red flag during most job interviews is the ratio of how much you're allowed to talk, compared with how mu…
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job work quitting quit employee raise bar bartender boss manager schedule vacation leave time-off reddit reddit-thread malicious-compliance

‘I got offered my old job back with another $1.50/hr thrown in’: Bartender quits on the spot when his approved vacation time gets revoked, management begs him to come back

Money is the only reason that people are grinding everyday at work– and what's the best thing to spend that money on? Traveling. When you get that paycheck every two weeks, it's hard to stop yourself from imagining a beach somewhere with your name on it– or in this case, it's tough not to imagine two tickets to see your favorite sports team with your long-distance girlfriend.
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employee fired sick quit quitting sick-leave leave company raise salary wrongful-termination boss money paycheck payday work reddit antiwork reddit-thread

'Not for less than $45/hour': Irreplaceable employee gets fired after falling sick; two years later, the company begs him to return; he refuses unless he gets a 40% raise

‘Know your worth’ is a phrase we usually hear when we're down in the dumps on a break up, but some of the unlucky few get this 3-word pep talk from strangers online when they get fired from a dead-end job. In this case, a loyal employee and construction manager for a large company, got fired after he got extremely ill. Because he had to call out sick for 2 months, the higher ups decided he was no longer ‘employee’ material and phoned in their pink slip.
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disability leave on-leave work-leave work employee injustice fired wrongfully-fired story working toxic workplace boss manager hypocrisy hypocrite workplace pink-slip company lazy labor-shortage

'I get injured and [there's] no loyalty': Employee on disability leave gets fired after missing 3 weeks of work; the Internet calls out a broken system of hypocritical bosses

Companies today are always complaining about labor shortages and how the workforce is getting ‘too lazy’ to go back to work. Au contraire you silly nepo-CEO's, it's not that there aren't any employees willing to work anymore, it's just that they're not willing to go back to work with no benefits, meager salaries, and to work overtime lining the pockets of a hypocritical boss that sends one email a week for a $500k annual salary.
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drive aita Italy car demanding flooding Hawaii Travel entitled leave traveling road trip entitled people flood update - 20992261

Update: 'I told her she is not going anywhere': Uncooperative traveler refuses to end trip early, then demands to be taken to Hawaii

These vacations to Italy and Hawaii sound incredible, so it's a shame it didn't work out as the vacationers planned. Traveling with your friends always seems like a good idea until it's actually time to go. You really find out who people are when they're under stress, and if you've ever traveled at all, you know that things never go completely as planned. Vacationing, as relaxing as it is, involves a lot of moving parts and planning things in advance. Depending on what you do, the planner has t…
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'Too bad, I don't care, you HAVE to come in': Burnt out employee falls asleep at the wheel OTW to work after begging for a mental health day, tyrannical boss gets snubbed when he ends up needing 4 weeks medical leave

'Too bad, I don't care, you HAVE to come in': Burnt out employee falls asleep at the wheel OTW to work after begging for a mental health day, tyrannical boss at fault gets snubbed

Driving when you're tired is pretty much as dangerous as driving under the influence. If you topple anxiety, stress, and a work burnout on top of your sleepy drive, you might be in for a sketchy journey. One exhausted employee found out the hard way just how dangerous it is to drive when you're not in the best mental state. After dealing with a serious mental health crisis and weeks of prolonged sleep deprivation, u/pinkfairykm an Australian native
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"There is no such thing as a day off"

'There is no such thing as a day off': Hypocrite manager demands employee cover shift on day off, but won't discuss sick leave on their own day off

Some people are blindly ignorant to the irony of their own existence. How could anyone send those texts — in that order — and think to themself, “Gee, what a wonderfully competent and enlightened being I am.”
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