
hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor hoa members hoa stories hoa scandal homeownership landowner

Homeowner finds a "well loophole" allowing them to leave their HOA by connection to municipal water: 'We rallied 44 people on our street'

landowner hoa neighbors land owner neighborhood home owners association homeowner homeownership new homeowners neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor home owner neighbor - 37069317

'We're going to court? OK!': Developer and their HOA gets "throat punched repeatedly" by fines after threatening landowners for refusing to sell

hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor property landowner new homeowner homeownership

New Neighbor encroaches 9 inches over existing boundary, loses 20 feet after landowner orders survey: 'Homeboy should have just let sleeping dogs lie...'

Landowner rigs a clever boobytrap on his property after a trespasser continually uses his land as a shortcut: 'Just the right angle to puncture your radiator'

Landowner rigs a clever boobytrap on his property after a trespasser continually uses his land as a shortcut: 'Just the right angle to puncture your radiator'

pro revenge landowner petty-revenge-reddit winter revenge snow revenge snowmobile homeowner revenge-stories homeownership petty revenge ice revenge-stories-reddit - 35314437

Rural landowner thwarts joyriding snowmobilers with concrete reinforced fencing: 'They all received tickets and their snowmobiles were confiscated'

'[It] was the end of the HOA': HOA president's plan backfires after recruiting landowner only to revoke his property rights, forcing president to resign after misidentifying property

'[It] was the end of the HOA': HOA president's plan backfires after recruiting landowner only to revoke his property rights, forcing president to resign after misidentifying property

landowner hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories home improvement hoa-karen Bad Neighbor karen - 21849093

'It is against HOA rules': Elitest HOA demands removal of family's garden after forgetting they refused their application

'I own the land': Landowner gets even with horse racetrack who refuses them same deal given to her grandfather, racetrack ends up paying hundreds of dollars in compensation

'I own the land': Landowner gets even with horse racetrack who refuses them same deal given to her grandfather, racetrack ends up paying hundreds of dollars in compensation

Farmer on TikTok Says the Dream is to Own Land Where No Neighbors Can See You Naked Outside, Sparks Surprisingly Long and Fun Conversation

Farmer on TikTok Says the Dream is to Own Land Where No Neighbors Can See You Naked Outside, Sparks Surprisingly Long and Fun Conversation