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15 Employees who had "memorable" days at work: 'Layoff of 700+ people... ended up losing almost 800'

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20+ Workers who knew they were about to get fired for their workplace mistakes: 'I basically made [my boss] lose his entire day of work'

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'There is no evidence against me... I still got fired on the spot': 15+ Employees who got fired from their toxic jobs

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20+ Employees who got fired on the spot: 'Everyone was fired in one fell swoop'

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'The total damage was almost $1,000,000': 20+ People whose giant mistakes got them immediately fired

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Grocery store boss flips out on employee, employee surprises him with 2 days notice: '[He] couldn't understand why'

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'I laughed... gave him a high five, then fired him': 20+ Bosses whose bumbling employees needed to be fired ASAP

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'I think I'm on a sinking ship here:' Woman lands her dream job, only to find out that everyone in her position has been laid off by budget cuts

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20+ Employees who got fired from their jobs: 'Turns out they were a secret shopper'

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'He pick[ed] up his car with a forklift': 15+ Fired employees who gave their bosses good reasons to let them go

'How callous!': Woman shares heartbreaking footage of the exact moment her company lays her off only 2-weeks before the holidays

'How callous!': Woman shares heartbreaking footage of the exact moment her company lays her off only 2-weeks before the holidays

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'I didn't even think it was possible to get fired at orientation': 20+ Employees who were stunned to be fired for their big mistakes

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'Guy told me he couldn't really move fast because his motorcycle boots were too heavy': 20+ Employees who got fired for surprisingly funny reasons

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Employee laid-off by new owners gets even via remote access, uninstalling personal software: 'You should've been nicer when you laid me off'

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'I wasn't "loyal" to this dealership': Car dealership employee quits on the spot after boss's firing joke goes wrong

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'They are literally chasing a beaver around in their golf cart': 20+ Employees who were fired on day 1

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