
Old landlord refuses to do repairs and ends up going bankrupt after being reported.

Old Landlord Refuses To Do Repairs, Ends Up Going Bankrupt

Racist boss from Canada harasses employees, and ends up getting deported.

Racist Canadian Boss Harasses Puerto Rican Employees, Gets Deported

A mean tour manager berates his staff and talks down to them, so they take their revenge and he ends up losing his job.

Tour Manager Berates Staff, They Revenge With Bad Feedback

An employee gets terminated by company while on medical leave, so they put the company on permanent leave.

Employee Gets Fired On Medical Leave, Puts Store On Permanent Leave

Reddit user shares story about mean superintendent who wouldn't close/cancel school for dangerous weather, and ended up losing their job.

Superintendent Won't Cancel School For Dangerous Weather, It Ends Her Career

temper loss on the camera

Hot Headed Neighbor Gets Caught Losing His Temper On Camera

Frat bros park in their neighbor's driveway, and they end up paying much more.

Frat Bros Park In Neighbor's Driveway, End Up Paying Much More

Bully boss tries to withhold an employee's last paycheck, so they take him to court and win $5,000.

Bully Boss Tries To Withhold Employee's Last Paycheck

Karen's Porsche loses its tires after she takes a guy's disabled parking spot.

Karen's Porsche Loses Its Wheels After She Takes Disabled Parking Spot

Co-worker tries to get a woman fired over her breast implants, and repeatedly harasses her.

Co-Worker Tries To Get Woman Fired Over Breast Implants

Girl makes sure that her ex-boyfriend doesn't get into the marines by providing an honest character reference about him being abusive.

Girl Makes Sure Her Abusive Ex-Boyfriend Doesn't Get Into Marines By Providing Honest Character Reference

Self-important bridezilla decides to announce her engagement at her cousin's wedding, so the cousin gets back at her later by announcing her pregnancy.

Bridezilla Announces Her Engagement At Her Cousin's Wedding, Cousin Announces Her Pregnancy At Her Wedding As Revenge

malicious compliance, work drama, liars, hypocrisy

Hypocrite Lies To Get Out Of Mopping Duties, Ends Up Getting Caught Red-Handed

Would I Be The Ass Hole

Guy Gets Sweet Karmic Justice On Tinder Date Who Bailed On Splitting Dinner

reddit thread about bad mother who called girls sluts

Mom Calls Girls Sluts Cause Her Son Harassed Them, Gets Taste Of Her Own Medicine

neighbors revenge ridiculous funny karma win - 8248581

Rowdy Downstairs Neighbors Won't Turn Down Music, Get Nuked From Orbit