

FAILS karens list choosing beggars entitled funny entitled people choosing beggar - 20419845

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (May 9, 2023)

It remains baffling how demanding choosing beggars can be. Every week, there’s another seemingly desperate person who ends up making the most entitled demands despite having absolutely no right to do so and no power In the situation. But let’s remember that there’s nothing like pride when it comes to transforming a beggar into a choosing beggar. Keep scrolling below for this new collection of the top five choosing beggars from this past week. For more compilations like this, here are some top K…
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karens instant karma parking lot driving entitled karma karen parking entitled people traffic parking-drama driver-drama traffic-and-parking-stories entitled-people-stories - 20459525

'[She] ended up hitting the cruiser': Driver trying to cut up the shoulder in traffic runs into a conveniently placed police cruiser

This Karen thought that she could use the shoulder to skip a queue of traffic on the motorway, but when a semi-driver decided that he was going to have none of that and intervened, he caused her to crash into a conveniently placed police cruiser. The story was witnessed and shared to r/MaliciousCompliance by a truck driver, Redditor u/fmintar1. They shared this story to the popular subreddit to share how they got one up on this queue-dodging cretin. The types of people that do things like this…
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'Give me my change!': Customer gets dozens of Sacagawea dollar coins as change for $100 bill after demanding ‘change’ for buying 10 cent candy

'Give me my change!': Customer gets dozens of Sacagawea dollar coins as change for $100 bill after demanding ‘change’ for buying 10 cent candy

Dramatic customers are a dime a dozen, barking orders at cashiers, clerks, waiters, and the like, with a sure sense of entitlement that allows them access to the vast club of Karens. One customer approached an unsuspecting cashier, obviously in a bad mood, buying candy for ten cents, yet handing the cashier a $100 bill. The cashier explained he didn't have enough change, and offered the candy 'on the house'. The dude replied rudely, and demanded that the cashier do his job, adding that he is 'r…
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karen gets put in her place by random old man bystander

'You ain't do nothing to that lady': Old man comes to the rescue of guy being harassed by unhinged Karen, she leaves idiotic apology letter days later

The guy even ended up making a song and music video about the experience.
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'I became the HOA president': Resident gets even with neighbors who block his parking spot by joining HOA; becomes president, fines them

'I became the HOA president': Resident gets even with neighbors who block his parking spot by joining HOA; becomes president, fines them

Karens infiltrate slowly into virtuous neighborhoods with a heavy sense of entitlement, ignoring HOA bylaws, under the assumption that they are divinely above it all. In this case, OP had a couple of parking spots that were legally his, that were occasionally empty. Whether they were occupied or not, OP's new neighbors took advantage of the Australian law which was lacking in the car parking department, and decidedly parked their own cars in those spots. They also began inviting family, friends…
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karens entitled parents funny texts drama choosing beggars pokemon go entertaining-stories text messages karen-stories pokemon cards karens in the wild karen entitled people choosing beggar - 20401669

'Quite sad. I spend more time with your son than you do': Karen demands free $20k Pokemon card for her son, guy mercilessly claps back

Pokemon cards are something that, at this point, are loved by kids and adults everywhere. As the original Pokemon has aged into adulthood, we've continued to share that joy with the youngsters. Of course, there are always going to be people who, thinking they're clever, seek to turn a profit off of the altruism of others, disguising their wants as needs and playing the victim card whenever possible to try and guilt trip people into giving them things beyond their better judgment. This must work…
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karens karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit store karen kevin entitled people - 20382469

'I'm going to sue you': Male Karen claims he slipped in the store the night before, story doesn't add up, he vows to sue anyway

Some people just want to make a scene.
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karens idontworkherelady entertaining-stories karen-customer customers story entitled funny karen entitled people - 20401413

'You should fire them!' Karen demands fellow customer is fired from a place she doesn't work

There are a lot of challenging things about working retail, but by far, the most challenging is dealing with entitled customers. It never ceases to amaze, the types of people you encounter when working these jobs. The very idea of receiving the most base levels of “service” gets some people foaming at the mouth as they rabidly seek to wield the most assuredly strained semblance of power. This lust is blinding, and soon they turn to
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karens list karens in the wild reddit thread Reddit funny karen entitled people - 20362245

Top Five Karen Stories of the Week (May 3, 2023)

Spring is upon us, which means more fun and enjoyable outdoor activities. However, what comes with more time outdoors? Well, that would be more opportunities to run into some Karens in the wild.
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karens aita airplane-passanger society ethics airline ethical entitled karen airplane entitled people - 20345861

AITA: 'She accused me of doing this on purpose': Tall guy's long legs cause issues for fellow passenger who can't recline her seat

Screw the trolley problem… How about the airline seat reclining problem as a thought experiment for ethical determination of one's actions? You're flying on an airline and have two choices: To recline your seat or not. Reclining your seat makes your experience more enjoyable but makes the experience of the person behind you twice as terrible as a result... Do you recline? Let's take this to more of extreme. Say, those “push the button” memes where you can get a million dollars for pressing a bi…
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'I don't want that door locked; I quit': Employee owes $18,000 to company after she changes entire doorknob to storage room, then quits

'I don't want that door locked; I quit': Employee owes $18,000 to company after she changes entire doorknob to storage room, then quits

Promotions at work can leave a bittersweet aftertaste in your mouth; on the one hand, your financial situation improves along with your increase in salary, but on the other hand, your coworkers may develop a deep disdain towards you overnight. In this case, OP got promoted to being in charge of daily operations at a small municipal department they both worked at, and a Karen employee didn't take kindly to OP's new position. Karen was the type of obnoxious employee who complained that she was th…
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Was on my sister's apartment door. She doesn't even own a dog, and is barely home

'You are impeding on my luxury experience': Delusional Karen leaves savage note complaining about neighbor's non-existent dog

People love to complain about nothing!
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karen moron retail harass harassing cashier service industry rewards-card credit-card cash-register register rewards sales story return karens drama reddit tales-from-retail

'Are you a moron?': Retail cashier gets chewed out by a Karen after offering her a rewards credit card for the second time

Working retail is the biggest soul sucking job known to man. Nobody grows up aspiring to be a cashier working the register, forced to endure customers's stupid jokes ("if it doesn't scan it's free, right?"), listening to mild pop music on loop, and surviving inadequately balanced AC. However maddening the endless onslaught of beeping barcodes, inventory nights, matching aprons, and dealing with incoming merchandise, the worst thing by far about working in retail are the Karens.
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customer service karens idontworkherelady server karen-customer restaurant food service karen service industry - 20345605

'I SAW YOU HELP THAT GIRL': Manager accosted by local Karen at a restaurant where they don't even work

It really is a shame that our society has turned into one where helping others is associated with being in a lower class. The number of stories where someone is rudely addressed by another customer and assumed to be a worker just because they went out of their way to help or be pleasant to someone is astounding. In each of these scenarios, even the most basic acknowledgment that the person working is a human being immediately marks them as a recipient of rude demands. This story, shared by Redd…
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terrible coworkers karens work-story workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance coworkers karens in the wild workplace coworker karen - 20305157

'Have fun with unemployment': Karen coworker fires herself by refusing to do her job

When you have a job, it's usually best to do that job if you want to keep it… Not get embroiled in a war of petty acts against a coworker who wanted no part in that war in the first place. If you choose the latter pathway, you need to be prepared for any consequences that follow. Redditor u/Peach_Gfuel shared this story to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit about their coworker who insisted on getting revenge on them for a perceived slight. u/Peach_Gfuel had previously worked for the Qual…
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pro revenge karens entitled parents revenge karen-customer customers chef chefs service entitled karen entitled people service industry karen-stories entitled-people-stories - 20278021

'Maybe not too much for you.' Hibachi chef and family team up to defeat an unruly Karen

If you read the original poster's title as ‘Hitachi Fun’ instead of ‘Hibachi Fun,’ like me, you were expecting a very different thread.
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