

'Can we have a female bartender': Top 10 Tales From Your Server This Week (July 28, 2023)

'Can we have a female bartender': Top 10 Tales From Your Server This Week (July 28, 2023)

It's time to pay our respects to those who are living the server life.
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'When he held out his hand for change, I dropped it on the counter': 20+ Cashiers who got even with their customers

'When he held out his hand for change, I dropped it on the counter': 20+ Cashiers who got the pettiest payback on their customers

Don't underestimate the pettiness of these fed-up workers . You'd be acting petty too if customers treated you the same way . Cashiers work so hard for so little recognition. If I was running things, all cashiers would be allowed to sit down, they'd be allowed to talk back to rude customers, and they'd all be paid at least $1 million per year. In reality, though, cashiers have to deal with the grouchiest customers one after another for minimum wage (and no sitting down either). You can only han…
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'If you want to be strict with the rules, then let's be strict with the rules': Kevin complains about neighboring family's camping setup, family maliciously complies

'If you want to be strict with the rules, then let's be strict with the rules': Kevin complains about neighboring family's camping setup, family maliciously complies

It always feels like the people who are the most annoying about following the rules are actually the worst rule followers.
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'Night person: DO NOT MOVE MY STUFF': Karen coworker refuses to share desk with night shift employee, leaves hostile note, cue petty payback

'Night person: DO NOT MOVE MY STUFF': Karen coworker refuses to share desk with night shift employee, leaves hostile note, cue petty payback

Sharin' is carin', Karen!
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'The manager changed into a sport coat and came back over': Bar Manager and Owner defeats entitled parents complaining about sports playing in a 'Sports bar'

'The manager changed into a sport coat and came back over': Bar Manager and Owner defeats entitled parents complaining about sports playing in a 'Sports bar'

The brilliance of the manager putting the sport coat on before returning to the conversation as “the owner” is something that I wish I had been able to witness with my own eyes.
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Inexperienced boss cuts weekend hours, files complaint with HR after boss reprimands her

'The general manager was inundated with complaints': Inexperienced boss cuts hours, files complaint with HR after boss yells at her

This boss thought she knew how to run weekend shifts , but she was mistaken. In most lines of work, weekends are the busiest days of the week. School is out and many office workers have weekends off , leading customers to stream into business places. At this OP's place of work, they had a boss who clearly didn't think through her plans. As u/Oncewasaworker writes, their boss Karen was hired through some vague relationship to someone in the company. Despite her role as a manager, she seemed to l…
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retail restaurant customer service karens idontworkherelady pizza pizza delivery karen-customer delivery guy service karen - 2126855

'I have a coupon': Customer tries to order pizza from an arts and crafts store

A Karen calls an arts and crafts store and demands a pizza… No, this isn't a punchline for a joke—but everyone who has worked in restaurants or retail wishes that it was. These workers have seen their fair share of wild demands and demanding wild persons—and it only takes one screaming customer meltdown in the lobby of your establishment to make you reconsider your entire line of work. But at least in person, most people have the good graces to behave politely, but phone conversations and email…
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'If you block my entrance again, I'm gonna remove your car': Neighbors get back at the male Karen who keeps blocking their driveway

'If you block my entrance again, I'm gonna remove your car': Neighbors get back at the Kevin who keeps blocking their driveway

Who knew that asking for access to your own driveway would cause such drama?
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rules karens waves jersey shore lifeguard kids beach sand inflatable snacks family food karen children the beach New Jersey beaches - 21495301

'Rules are rules, sweetie': Beachgoers tell lifeguard to enforce the rules, lifeguard finds petty rules to enforce on them

This beach is full of old money folks who are used to getting their way. As u/fumples explained in their story to r/MaliciousCompliance, they had to deal with some rather irritating women who made it their goal to police everybody at the beach . Going to the shore for a summer vacation is the highlight of the summer for those who live along the coast. It's common for families to plan a few days of relaxation at the beach, where the kids can build sandcastles and play in the waves, while the adu…
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New car buyer won't pay for pinstriped vehicle, dealership repaints his car overnight

'I went full Karen mode': New car haggler refuses to pay for pinstriped vehicle, dealership repaints his car overnight

Looking back on their new purchase in the 1990s, this person realized the car dealership got away with something intriguing. This is a story of a person buying a car in the 1990s, and one of the first things they claim is that these days, the “era of haggling” is over. Though I've never bought a car, I find that hard to believe. When purchasing a car, it's well known that people like to haggle with the salespeople to try and get a great deal for themselves. Meanwhile, the salespeople often have…
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Top 31 Unpopular Opinions of the Week

Top 31 Unpopular Opinions of the Week

May hit close to home.
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customer service karens idontworkherelady retail karen-customer customers karen - 21467141

'I lived the dream': Dude gets revenge on raging Karen demanding his assistance

It's easy to get lost in a fantasy about putting an entitled person in their place—though the perfect response usually doesn't come to you in the moment, but rather when you're in the shower sometime later. There, in a dream daze fueled by hot-running water, your wits are sharpened to a knife's edge, and the resulting clarity brings forth the cutting remark you wish you'd thought of earlier. Seldom do you get the chance to live this fantasy out and take your adversary to task—but this guy claim…
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'This is unbelievable': Local hotel manager deals with tons of Karen customers after storm hits

'This is unbelievable': Local hotel manager deals with Karen customers after storm hits

First, there was an actual storm, but then there was the storm raged by a sea of Karens.
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karens choosing beggars wedding karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit funny karen entitled people choosing beggar - 21457925

Top 10 Choosing Beggars of the Week (July 20, 2023)

Desperate times may call for desperate measures, but some of these choosing beggars are really reaching...
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'They complained about everything': Party of 13 Karens makes a scene at bottomless brunch

'They complained about everything': Party of 13 Karens makes a scene at bottomless brunch

Serving one Karen at a restaurant is difficult enough. Imagine having to serve 13 of them!
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customer service karens retail shopping retail worker customers coupons sale complaint karens in the wild clothes coupon karen discount - 21440261

'Sorry ma'am, this coupon is expired': Cashier 'helps' customer who demands to use outdated coupons

Some people just wake up entitled, convinced they're better than everyone else. And these people love to bug retail workers until they lose their minds, as u/amaranthinenightmare shared in their story to r/MaliciousCompliance. The woman in this story is every retail worker's nightmare . She's the kind of person who shows up at 7:45am to bang on the windows of the store until it opens at 8am. She's the type who will unfold all the clothes the employees just folded, only to then demand you find h…
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