
'She hammered on the hood, put a dent in it': Entitled woman runs into occupied parking spot, ends up paying for damages

'She hammered on the hood, put a dent in it': Entitled woman runs into occupied parking spot, ends up paying for damages

'Karen's lie... backfired': Diner insists on eating a specific meal, restaurant insists it doesn't serve that food

'Karen's lie... backfired': Diner insists on eating a specific meal, restaurant insists it doesn't serve that food

reddit, petty-revenge, r-pettyrevenge, teenager-co-worker, first-job, working-teens

'I went home feeling pretty good about myself': Teen takes petty revenge on adult co-worker who constantly belittles her for being 16 years old

'CONGRATULATIONS! You mowed': Top Mildly Infuriating Neighbors

'CONGRATULATIONS! You mowed': Top Mildly Infuriating Neighbors

'[Karen] demanded I give the cookie voucher to her': Entitled Mom and son try and fail to crash kid's birthday party and get free stuff

'[Karen] demanded I give the cookie voucher to her': Entitled Mom and son try and fail to crash kid's birthday party, demanding free stuff

'You're not entitled to this spot!': Top Stories of Entitled Karens, Neighbors, and Family Members

'You're not entitled to this spot!': Top Stories of Entitled Karens, Neighbors, and Family Members

'I help[ed] send him to jail': Couple keeps neighbor up every night with their screaming, neighbor buys security camera and sends footage to the police

'I help[ed] send him to jail': Couple keeps neighbor up every night with their screaming, neighbor buys security camera and sends footage to the police

how-to-frenemy, how-to-confront-frenemy, entitled-friend, reddit, failblog, r-pettyrevenge, petty-revenge

'After 24 years I win': Woman finally gets satisfaction after landing petty roast on her real-life longterm frenemy

'I'm not on duty, back off': Doctor refuses to provide medical care on flight, passenger tries forcing him to do so anyway

'I'm not on duty, back off': Doctor refuses to provide medical care on flight, passenger tries forcing him to do so anyway

 'Chop-chop? Yes ma'am!': Karen shuts down team of employees attempting to correct faulty product

'Chop-chop? Yes ma'am!': Karen shuts down team of employees attempting to correct faulty product

'I'm getting sick of my auntie Karen': Karen sabotages niece's efforts to bake for a market by taking over the kitchen space all week

'I'm getting sick of my auntie Karen': Karen sabotages niece's efforts to bake for a market by taking over the kitchen space all week

karens instant karma karens in the wild karen karma karen story karma karen fireman firefighters revenge police - 23587333

'What are you doing? My car is ruined!': Firemen total hydrant-blocking Karen's car to run a fire hose through it

‘She expected us to chase him’: Karen leaves her purse outside a store, then blames entire staff inside when it's taken

‘She expected us to chase him’: Karen leaves her purse outside a store, then blames entire staff inside when it's taken

'Your house is the joke of the neighborhood': Grinch Karen leaves petty note on neighbor's doorstep because of their holiday decorations

'Your house is the joke of the neighborhood': Grinch Karen leaves petty note on neighbor's doorstep because of their holiday decorations

Karen-put-in-her-place, Karen-shutdown, epic-shutdown, satisfying-karen-shutdown, job-interview, new-job, new-hire

‘I ended up working at that place’: Random chef on lunch break gets accosted by restaurant's notorious Karen customer, impresses their head chef and gets hired

neighbor neighborhood kevin kevins karen karens porch porch-pirate stolen steal thief package delivery box deliver driver packages gift-basket reddit

'[He's telling] all the neighbors we robbed him': Mysterious $300 gift basket gets accidentally delivered to the new couple on the block; furious Kevin blackballs them for 'stealing from his porch'