
‘She went ballistic’: Karen HOA President thinks SAHM neighbor is her free nanny, gets shamed in the middle of the street

‘She went ballistic’: Karen HOA President thinks SAHM neighbor is her free nanny, gets shamed in the middle of the street

'Give my son a black belt': Karate Karen throws tantrum after son is denied a black belt, instructors defend themselves

'Give my son a black belt': Karate Karen throws tantrum after son is denied a black belt, instructors defend themselves

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‘Thems the breaks, lady’: Hobbyist woodworker stands up to an entitled mother enforcing her kids' bedtime on the whole neighborhood

‘[He’s] trying to poke holes in their offer': Employee is convinced not to quit when boss goes back on scheduling issue, but she receives a better offer and quits anyway, boss panics

‘[He’s] trying to poke holes in their offer': Employee is convinced not to quit when boss goes back on scheduling issue, but she receives a better offer and quits anyway, boss panics

Male Karen gets thrown out of tattoo parlor, demands to speak to manager on social media, gets roasted: 'You were denied entry for several reasons'

Male Karen gets thrown out of tattoo parlor, demands to speak to manager on social media, gets roasted: 'You were denied entry for several reasons'

'The yellow line is where my responsibility ends': Woman "pushes her luck" to get groundskeeper to cut back all her ivy

'The yellow line is where my responsibility ends': Woman "pushes her luck" to get groundskeeper to cut back all her ivy

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'Do I look like I set the prices?': 20+ Customer complaints that retail workers never want to hear again

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Builder gets back at Karen celebrity for trying to obstruct their building site: 'I went ahead and called the police'

'We're just gonna go ahead and sell you the property you've stolen': Construction head faces off with persistent client

'We're just gonna go ahead and sell you the property you've stolen': Construction head faces off with persistent client

'What's the different between a 6 oz sirloin and a 12 oz sirloin?': 20+ ridiculous questions entitled customers asked their servers

'What's the difference between a 6 oz sirloin and a 12 oz sirloin?': 20+ ridiculous questions entitled customers asked their servers

Gucci Karen throws tantrum when business class passenger won't switch seats with her 9-year-old in economy

Gucci Karen throws tantrum when business class passenger won't switch seats with her 9-year-old in economy

'Do you take me for a fool?': Call center workers share their most memorable encounters with entitled Karen customers

'Do you take me for a fool?': Call center workers share their most memorable encounters with entitled Karen customers

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'Bye bye garden bed': Neighborhood dogs destroy their own garden after a clever mom uses their untrained aggression against the owners

'You can't be here!': Karen calls the cops on park worker for trespassing and littering while he was doing his job

'You can't be here!': Karen calls the cops on park worker for trespassing and littering while he was doing his job

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'Just find me in the system!': Boomer refuses to share their name at the doctor's office to schedule an appointment, gripes about the receptionist's ability to search for their 'account' without any info

Neighbor gets pro-level revenge on the "HOA Karen" trying to kick them out: 'I began my research'

Neighbor gets pro-level revenge on the "HOA Karen" trying to kick them out: 'I began my research'