karens in the wild

karen customer throws insane tantrum at an Enterprise, employee epically denies her business, drama ensues

'Based off our interactions earlier [...] I'm not renting to you': Enterprise employee epically quits after rightfully denying business to a rude Karen customer


Entitled Influencer Karen Expects Discounted Meal, Writes Ridiculous 1-Star Review

But you said you didn’t want my help, Karen… | I’m a bridal consultant at a very popular bridal salon in my town. I have many years of experience and love what I do. Most of the bridal gowns in my shop are “special order” meaning they must be ordered before they are made by the designer and lead times can be anywhere from 4 weeks to 8.5 months. Not everyone knows this when they come shopping for a gown. That’s the whole point of me being there. I make sure we can get the dress in time

'Leave us alone': Retail worker obliges Karen's rude demand with a side helping of justice

no one's forcing you to eat ice cream, Karen

Insane Karen Accuses Ice Cream Company of Being Anti-Catholic for Tweeting on Ash Wednesday

hotel customer service shuts down a male karen

'Yeah, that's not really respectful': Hotel receptionist expertly shutdowns a male Karen customer throwing a tantrum

"It was then that a woman water walked over to us with a little girl in tow, demanding to know where the boy's mother was and why he was using me like a jungle gym.  Before I could reply the little guy rolled his eyes at the woman and said the following, at max volume. 'Ms. Karen Mommy asked Mr. OP to watch me...'"

'Are you really going to ruin that for her too?': Kid humiliates entitled pool Karen with uncomfortable truth "bombs"

McDonald’s drive through Karen tells me to f*** off

Crazy Karen Throws Tantrum Over Free Drink at McDonald's

Karens accost a child referee and two kids running a lemonade stand.

20 Entitled 'Karens' Imposing Their Stupid Wrath Upon the World

My entitled dad throws coffee at waiter and demands he gets fired

Male Karen Throws Coffee in Waiter's Face and Demands That They Fire This 'Ignorant Useless Server'

Vaping Karen gets called out during plane ride, later drops her luggage on a woman.

Entitled Karen Gets Called Out for Vaping on a Plane, Cue Karen Tantrum

karens entitled parents mother karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 18092037

Entitled Mother Brings Her Kids to a "No Children Allowed" Live Audio Recording, Thinks She's the Exception

"This crazy lady started to recorded us bc we were “in her space” at a public airport so we did the same. Leading up to this… get this lady some help."

'She went and hid behind the pole': Racist Karen squatting at an airport baggage claim gets epically told off by multiracial mom and daughter team, Internet applauds

Encounter with a wild Karen

'Raging Karen went wild and got herself arrested': Karen accosts driver at intersection and gets her butt kicked

Lady says I look like a sl*t and my supervisor said... | "She just stops and gives me this once-over look and stares at me very intently. She stares at my face and says to me "Seriously? You work in a museum and you come here looking like a sl*t?" |

'Her face went completely white': Supervisor intervenes when Karen uses slur on employee, has her removed

Male Karen throws tantrum for having to show his ID

Male Karen Refuses to Show ID and Makes a Scene at Target

AITA for not taking the next elevator when a mom with 7 children demanded it of me?

Entitled Karen with 7 Kids Kicks Everyone Out of Elevator, Woman Stands Up to Her