karens in the wild

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'You were trying to flee the place without paying': Karen leaves a 1-star review after trying to dine and dash, owner responds

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'I'll stuff you in that washing machine': Crazy hotel Karen throws tantrum at front desk employee at 1 AM, chases her into the laundry room

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'Instantly she starts sprinting to the front desk': Yoga Karen gets diabolical, steals woman's spot in class

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'Today at the airport a Karen tried to recruit me into being a Karen with her and I was not having it' : Airline passenger delivers epic one-liner that shuts down Karen trying to throw a tantrum

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'You lied to me and you should deal with the consequences': Nightmare Male Karen thinks he got petty revenge by making enemies with a restaurant

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'You idiots always never listen to me': Fast food Karen insists on three separate bags for her order, malicious compliance ensues!

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Squirrels helps get revenge on Karen neighbor: 'This whole event caused her to toss the entire roast she had been making [ ] out the window'

You want the situation to be escalated to management ? Bet. Might f*** up your employment chances though

'Me: 1, Karen: 0': Karen bullies office receptionist on her way to job interview, receptionist gets revenge

Top Karens of the Week (February 19, 2023)

Top Karens of the Week (February 19, 2023)

hostest rubs entitlement back in Karen customers face and refuses to help them unless they talk to her like an actual human being

'I'm not helping people who can't use their words': Server Sees Usual Entitled Karen Couple Try to Seat Themselves at Dirty Table, Cleans and Sits Every Other Table Around Them

Karen Stole My Rental Car

'Karen was still joyriding in our rental car': Valet gave rental car to wrong guest, she drives it around for 2 hours before the police get involved

Karen told me to hang up, so I did

'If you continue to speak to me in such a manner, I will terminate this call': Karen goes off on customer service rep, gets her comeuppance

Boomer doesn't understand tech

'Karen had deleted everything': Boomer Karen tries to screw over coworker after getting laid off, coworker gets revenge

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Karen tries to get "excluding" adults only Valentine's Day neighborhood event cancelled because her kids can't come

Karen wants a better seat? Let's see what we can do!

'I ALWAYS get the front row': Entitled Karen complains to theater usher about having to bend her neck in her front row seat

Hit me with your cart I’m hitting you back.

'EXCUSE YOU': Karen 1 hits Karen 2 with her shopping cart, Karen 2 hits her right back