karens in the wild

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'A very seriously unwarranted allegation': Card shop owner responds after absolute Karen leaves 1-star review accusing them of stealing the best cards

'JUST... DO... YOUR... JOB!': Furious Karen rampages and screams at a hardware store employee, then gets put in her place as he maliciously complies to her commands

'JUST... DO... YOUR... JOB!': Furious Karen rampages and screams at a hardware store employee, then gets put in her place as he maliciously complies to her commands

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'It felt like my small win for the day': Fed up folks annoyed by their entitled Karen neighbors share their petty revenge wins

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'The audacity of some people is just insane': Entitled Karens flood the clientele of pet sitters and dog walkers, employees share their nightmarish stories

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'The kids confessed to throwing the trash': Neighborhood kids enact trashy revenge on local Karen

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'You'll get paid in garlic': 10+ Top Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars Who Wanted Everything For Nothing

'This was her big mistake, her address was on the check': Cashier gets petty revenge on an entitled Karen, orders her a lifetime of magazine subscriptions as vengeance

'This was her big mistake, her address was on the check': Cashier gets petty revenge on an entitled Karen, orders her a lifetime of magazine subscriptions as vengeance

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'[I] don't need them anymore': Entitled Karen asks for a refund for her wedding photos when she gets divorced years later

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'THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS': Karen complains about the prices in the bookstore, has a meltdown when asked if she wants to pay for a bag

A Karen attacked me over Headphones and a DVD Player while I was camping because I was watching Talespin, claiming her child needed something to entertain themself with

'Check it out! We've got a bona fide Karen here': Camping Karen tries to steal stranger's portable DVD player for her kid

Karen's rant on town's facebook backfires....

'This isn't actually what happened': Karen posts about 'horrible' customer service experience online, employee finds the post and claps back

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'What about the wheelchair you're sitting in?': Tired old Karen requests wheelchair user's wheelchair so she can shop without having to stand

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'I get in my car to drive off but she's standing in front of it': Karen accosts random customer after confusing them for an employee

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'Don't tell me what I did or didn't see': Karen drums up conspiracy theory because she can't purchase the video game she wanted

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'He scanned his card at my till': Insanely entitled dude tries to steal guy's supermarket fuel rewards points in daring heist

'[She] started poking me directly in my neck, SCREAMING': Entitled Karen  fakes a gluten allergy, demands special treatment, then aggressively pokes server when she doesn't get her way

'[She] started poking me directly in my neck, SCREAMING': Entitled Karen fakes a gluten allergy, demands special treatment, then aggressively pokes server when she doesn't get her way