karens in the wild

'You're all going to wait for me': Karen holds up line at 5:30 in the morning, gets in customer's face, he wins out with free coffee

'You're all going to wait for me': Karen holds up line at 5:30 in the morning, gets in customer's face, he wins out with free coffee

'That's ripping people off BIG time': Choosing beggar cat lady argues with sublessor about renting out a room with her three cats

'That's ripping people off BIG time': Choosing beggar cat lady argues with sublessor about renting out a room with her three cats

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Passive Aggressive Karen Leaves a (Politely) Threatening Note on Her Neighbor's Car, Demanding They Stop Parking on the Public Street; Neighbor Refuses

Top Wholesome 'I Don't Worry Here Lady' Stories (June 3, 2023)

Top Wholesome 'I Don't Worry Here Lady' Stories (June 3, 2023)

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'I'm going to need you to fix that': Karen and Kevin demand that neighbor's cat tower left for trash pickup be cleaned, daughter enacts petty revenge

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'Sucks to be her': Customer gets revenge on a full-cart Karen who cut him in the grocery store express lane by using all of her reward points to get cheap gas

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'Move it to your spot': Karen complains about stowed bag, gets to ride the rest of the journey with it in the seat next to her

Literal Karen tries to avoid mandatory tip by ripping up receipt

'Terrible service, never coming back': Cranky Karen refuses to pay mandatory tip, rips up the check

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Top Karens of the Week (May 21, 2023)

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Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (May 19, 2023)

Karen Welcomes Me to the HOA

'Never give Karen an inch': Guy stands up to entitled neighbor Karen, then has to work with her to fight HOA

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'She needs a time out': Karen gets shut down by a 5-year-old

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'NO DRILLING IN MY HOUSE': Karen makes it impossible for cable guy to fix internet issues, she tries to get free TV from him

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'I don’t owe you an explanation': People with disabilities share their stories of Karen encounters

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'Your new total will be...': To save $2, penny-pinching Karen disrespects a retail employee, catching karma and losing money because of an expired coupon

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'Ten thousand pennies, plus the extra twenty-five dollars, weighs a lot': Owner plays a reverse uno to Karen customer's malicious compliance