karens in the wild

customer service karens entitled parents karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people choosing beggar - 22497797

'Feel free to get into the regular line': Entitled Disney family gets owned by the same rules they're trying to circumvent

'Well, lady, you're trash. I hope you missed your flight': Dude calls out Karen for cutting the long security line at the airport

'Well, lady, you're trash. I hope you missed your flight': Dude calls out Karen for cutting the long security line at the airport

'Really? It's stuck at the bottom of the cup': Woman requests free drink after pouring hot cappucino out in front of employee

'Really? It's stuck at the bottom of the cup': Woman attempts to shame employee by pouring hot cappucino out in front of him

'She gets three steps out of the store and drops the phone': 20+ Customers who got the instant karma they deserved

'She gets three steps out of the store and drops the phone': 20+ Customers who got the instant karma they deserved

'I emptied that box into their garbage can and waited': Neighbors refuse to stop letting their dog go to the bathroom on dude's lawn, dude gets payback

'I emptied that box into their garbage can and waited': Neighbors refuse to stop letting their dog go to the bathroom on dude's lawn, dude gets payback

'I might get fired and I don't really care': Employee claps back at customer who throws $1 in quarters at his face, shop owner throws out GMs write-up

'I might get fired and I don't really care': Employee claps back at customer who throws $1 in quarters at his face, shop owner throws out GMs write-up

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'Her food [got] as cold as my Frosty heart': Karen insults a fast food manager, forcing them to double check her refund; ends up getting $4.13 instead of $12.99

'My boss is tracking me': Nanny finds tracking device under her car, discovers it's in her boss's name, calls police

'My boss is tracking me': Nanny finds tracking device under her car, discovers it's in her boss's name, calls police

'Go somewhere else!': Karen makes a scene about the prices at the nail salon, refuses to pay, other customers defend the owner

'Go somewhere else!': Karen makes a scene about the prices at the nail salon, refuses to pay, other customers defend the owner

'Your manager just enabled her': Hardware store supervisor gives in to Karen pressure, disappointing employees and sparking an online debate

'Your manager just enabled her': Hardware store supervisor gives in to Karen pressure, disappointing employees and sparking an online debate

'She HAD to maintain her dominance in the workplace': Office tyrant tries to sweep her own mistakes under the rug, her team gets her fired

'She HAD to maintain her dominance in the workplace': Office tyrant tries to sweep her own mistakes under the rug, her team gets her fired

karens viral videos entitlement retail packages postal service karens in the wild entitled mail Video karen entitled people - 4130310

'I'm a victim': Store manager with zero tolerance for Karen customers repeatedly tells woman to 'get out'

'This is MY stall!': Karen tries to kick someone out of a public bathroom stall, starts shaking the stall and making a scene

'This is MY stall!': Karen tries to kick someone out of a public bathroom stall, starts shaking the stall and making a scene

'I told her you might as well leave': Wendy's drive-thru manager stands up to customer's ridiculous request for a "newer" $5 bill

'I told her you might as well leave': Wendy's drive-thru manager stands up to customer's ridiculous request for a "newer" $5 bill

'He didn't touch my seat for the remainder of the flight': Kevin keeps grabbing passenger's seat on flight, passenger gets petty by grabbing his hand with wet fingers

'He didn't touch my seat for the remainder of the flight': Kevin keeps grabbing passenger's seat, passenger gets petty by grabbing his hand with wet fingers

'My husband is a lawyer': Karen tries to hit-and-run by using husband's job as an excuse despite evidence of collision

'My husband is a lawyer': Karen tries to hit-and-run by using husband's job as an excuse despite evidence of collision