
'You can't fire me; you should fire her instead': Employee gets boss fired during HR disciplinary hearing designated for himself

'You can't fire me; you should fire her instead': Employee gets boss fired during HR disciplinary hearing designated for himself

customer support customer service public-servant karens workplace-stories revenge karen-customer customers petty revenge customer workplace public service karen - 20676613

'[Now] she can't check out anything until the fine is paid': Karen messes with the wrong librarian, who rediscovers $450 in old unpaid fines

'I blocked her account': Librarian gets revenge on a rude patron, unearthing a $480 late fee that had been previously waived to freeze the account for good

'I blocked her account': Librarian gets revenge on a rude patron, unearthing a $480 late fee that had been previously waived

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'Forget it, you're fired!': Dude gets fired from a store where he didn't even work

karens karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit Cats karen entitled people - 20654597

'I'm going to need you to fix that': Karen and Kevin demand that neighbor's cat tower left for trash pickup be cleaned, daughter enacts petty revenge

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'Sucks to be her': Customer gets revenge on a full-cart Karen who cut him in the grocery store express lane by using all of her reward points to get cheap gas

malicious compliance revenge public transportation petty revenge petty entitled public transport entitled people karens karens in the wild karen - 20545541

'Move it to your spot': Karen complains about stowed bag, gets to ride the rest of the journey with it in the seat next to her

'I called up corporate': Delivery driver phones a customer's boss

'I called up corporate (yes, call me Karen)': Delivery driver phones a lying customer's boss

karens workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story retail karen-customer workplace creativity in the workplace karen idontworkherelady - 20322309

'Ok, Karen, she's fired. Happy now?': Karen demands girl gets fired from a place she doesn't work

Literal Karen tries to avoid mandatory tip by ripping up receipt

'Terrible service, never coming back': Cranky Karen refuses to pay mandatory tip, rips up the check

friends entitled reddit thread Reddit store karen - 20589829

'You're faking!': Karen believes woman doesn't need to use her wheelchair, woman reveals her post-surgery knee

karens entitled parents karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 20605189

Top Karens of the Week (May 21, 2023)

'Wait your turn': Karen demands random student help her with her shopping, teacher puts Karen in her place

'Wait your turn': Karen accosts ex-employee and demands they help her with her shopping, teacher puts Karen in her place

reviews owned karens review 1-star-review entitled karen entitled people - 20545029

'I was immediately accosted by an employee': Guy tries to sell his personal items at a shop, gets banned, leaves 1-star review

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'I ripped those bags out of her hands': Greedy Karen steals all of the food at a company event, leaving nothing for the others and making enemies in the process

customer service manager malicious compliance customers entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 20543749

'Where's my 40% coupon?': Karen demands multiple discounts on her order, manager steps in and sides with employee