
'You can't park here’: Karen gets citation after demanding deaf woman move car to handicapped space, stating ‘normal’ spots are for non handicapped people

'You can't park here’: Karen gets citation after demanding deaf woman move car to handicapped space, stating ‘normal’ spots are for non handicapped people

'Karen threatened to sue us': Mom throws tantrum at movie theater employees after her kids got kicked out for being disruptive

'Karen threatened to sue us': Mom throws tantrum at movie theater employees after her kids got kicked out for being disruptive

'You're all going to wait for me': Karen holds up line at 5:30 in the morning, gets in customer's face, he wins out with free coffee

'You're all going to wait for me': Karen holds up line at 5:30 in the morning, gets in customer's face, he wins out with free coffee

'That's ripping people off BIG time': Choosing beggar cat lady argues with sublessor about renting out a room with her three cats

'That's ripping people off BIG time': Choosing beggar cat lady argues with sublessor about renting out a room with her three cats

karen karens passive-aggressive neighborhoods neighbors karens-in-the-wild wild note parking cars ticket privacy public private petty

Passive Aggressive Karen Leaves a (Politely) Threatening Note on Her Neighbor's Car, Demanding They Stop Parking on the Public Street; Neighbor Refuses

Top Wholesome 'I Don't Worry Here Lady' Stories (June 3, 2023)

Top Wholesome 'I Don't Worry Here Lady' Stories (June 3, 2023)

‘You can’t publish that': Karen flies off the handle when newspaper publishes her name in print, demands newspaper remove it, boss hangs up on her

‘You can’t publish that': Karen flies off the handle when newspaper publishes her name in print, demands newspaper remove it, boss hangs up on her

customer-service customer home-depot freakout public-freakout employee customer kevin karen irl retail customers department-store i-quit quit quitting cashier check0out cart rude video

'The customer is NOT always right': Cashier quits on the spot after a rude, Memorial Day shopper takes a price check way too far (VIDEO)

karens workplace-stories tech support toxic-workplace technical difficulties karen-boss coworkers technology it quit workplace Tech karen quitting toxic-work-environment - 20715269

'[He] created a mass corporate email with various screenshots': IT guy quits and schedules scathing tell-all email about his Karen boss

customer service hotel toxic-workplace customers toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 20674053

Top Tales From the Front Desk (May 28, 2023)

'Why can't I have these?': Entitled shopper tries to grab food right out of customer's grocery cart

'Karen literally stomps her foot and says, "Why can't I have these?"': Entitled shopper tries to steal right out of customer's grocery cart

'You can't fire me; you should fire her instead': Employee gets boss fired during HR disciplinary hearing designated for himself

'You can't fire me; you should fire her instead': Employee gets boss fired during HR disciplinary hearing designated for himself

customer support customer service public-servant karens workplace-stories revenge karen-customer customers petty revenge customer workplace public service karen - 20676613

'[Now] she can't check out anything until the fine is paid': Karen messes with the wrong librarian, who rediscovers $450 in old unpaid fines

'I blocked her account': Librarian gets revenge on a rude patron, unearthing a $480 late fee that had been previously waived to freeze the account for good

'I blocked her account': Librarian gets revenge on a rude patron, unearthing a $480 late fee that had been previously waived

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'Forget it, you're fired!': Dude gets fired from a store where he didn't even work

karens karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit Cats karen entitled people - 20654597

'I'm going to need you to fix that': Karen and Kevin demand that neighbor's cat tower left for trash pickup be cleaned, daughter enacts petty revenge