
'We won our battle against a busybody Karen': Neighbor conspires to get HOA to enforce new rules, Redditor wins out

'We won our battle against a busybody Karen': Neighbor conspires to get HOA to enforce new rules, Redditor wins out

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'I got 104 messages': Guy gets bombarded by Karens after posting a free barbecue on Marketplace, one tries to steal it out of his garage

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'She was trying to steal': Scammy Karen tries to use a fake '99% off' coupon to swindle the cashier, gets pinched by the cops instead

'I dumped trash on my neighbor's doorstep': Redditor gets back at neighbor for leaving trash all over their back patio

'I dumped trash on my neighbor's doorstep': Redditor gets back at neighbor for leaving trash all over their back patio

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'I was fed up': Gaggle of Karens harangue sandwich shop workers; jaded employee buys their meal for themselves and literally eats their lunch

'I cost them 16% of the annual HOA income': HOA and Karen neighbor dare homeowner to stop their enforcement of petty rules, they do

'I cost them 16% of the annual HOA income': HOA and Karen neighbor dare homeowner to stop their enforcement of petty rules, they do

Top Karens of the Week (July 7, 2023)

Top Karens of the Week (July 7, 2023)

Update: 'It's just a prank, bro': Neighbor feuds with Karen over parking his 17 sports cars on the street

Update: 'It's just a prank, bro': Neighbor feuds with Karen over parking his 17 sports cars on the street

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'What did I tell you about coming here again?!; You have been banned!': Mousy librarian flips a switch and rebukes a rampaging Karen, telling her off and running her out of the library for good

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (July 4, 2023)

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (July 4, 2023)

'You want the exact amount, you get the exact amount': Sweet shop regular insists on buying food by weight, employee complies by giving him less food

'You want the exact amount, you get the exact amount': Sweet shop regular insists on buying food by weight, employee complies by giving him less food

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'We always parked at least one of our cars in front of her house': Karen calls cops on neighbor for parking in their driveway, they park in front of her house instead

'She gets upset every time neither of her daughters gets picked for something': Karen throws tantrum after her kids weren't volunteers in science assembly

'She gets upset every time neither of her daughters gets picked for something': Karen throws tantrum after her kids weren't volunteers in science assembly

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'I can handle an old Boomer that doesn't like my clothes': Karen delivery guy throws hateful tantrum, employee gets it all on camera and justice gets served

'I smiled and waited for Joe to clock in': Customer wants a male employee help her, so department manager agrees

'I smiled and waited for Joe to clock in': Demanding customer insists a male employee help her, cue malicious compliance by department manager

‘Enjoy your view of my 8ft fence': Resident builds 8ft fence to obstruct Karen neighbor's view after she called HOA on him, following his refusal to mow lawn in accordance to bylaws

‘Enjoy your view of my 8ft fence': Resident builds 8ft fence to obstruct Karen neighbor's view after she called HOA on him, following his refusal to mow lawn in accordance to bylaws