
customer service funny-customer-stories funny stories karen-customer customers customer karen - 2127879

'The names on the headstone are all different': Karen demands to talk to cemetery manager over concerns with burial plots

Inexperienced boss cuts weekend hours, files complaint with HR after boss reprimands her

'The general manager was inundated with complaints': Inexperienced boss cuts hours, files complaint with HR after boss yells at her

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'I have a coupon': Customer tries to order pizza from an arts and crafts store

'If you block my entrance again, I'm gonna remove your car': Neighbors get back at the male Karen who keeps blocking their driveway

'If you block my entrance again, I'm gonna remove your car': Neighbors get back at the Kevin who keeps blocking their driveway

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'Rules are rules, sweetie': Beachgoers tell lifeguard to enforce the rules, lifeguard finds petty rules to enforce on them

New car buyer won't pay for pinstriped vehicle, dealership repaints his car overnight

'I went full Karen mode': New car haggler refuses to pay for pinstriped vehicle, dealership repaints his car overnight

customer service karens idontworkherelady retail karen-customer customers karen - 21467141

'I lived the dream': Dude gets revenge on raging Karen demanding his assistance

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'You shouldn't be here': Bartender calls in sick, but boss forces him to come to work anyways; gets saved by boss's mother who pulls the 'mom' card to send him home

'This is unbelievable': Local hotel manager deals with tons of Karen customers after storm hits

'This is unbelievable': Local hotel manager deals with Karen customers after storm hits

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Top 10 Choosing Beggars of the Week (July 20, 2023)

'They complained about everything': Party of 13 Karens makes a scene at bottomless brunch

'They complained about everything': Party of 13 Karens makes a scene at bottomless brunch

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'Sorry ma'am, this coupon is expired': Cashier 'helps' customer who demands to use outdated coupons

'You're a terrible manager!': Karen accosts random dude after incorrectly assuming he is the restaurant's manager, gets served

'You're a terrible manager!': Karen accosts random dude after incorrectly assuming he is the restaurant's manager, gets served

'Take that, Karen!': Top Karens of the Week (July 18, 2023)

'Take that, Karen!': Top Karens of the Week (July 18, 2023)

‘Don’t mess with my laundry': Resident bleaches neighbor's clothes after they mess with her laundry, neighbor moves out

‘Don’t mess with my laundry': Resident bleaches neighbor's clothes after they mess with her laundry, neighbor moves out

nighttime security guard almost gets fired for standing up for himself, another department loves his moxie and promotes him instead

'I was almost FIRED for doing my job!': Employee refuses to sign unfair write-up, his act of justified rebellion catches the eye of another department and gets promoted