
'I walked past the entitled women, snagged one of the carts full of groceries and took off': Customer teaches entitled Karens a lesson for being inconsiderate to a employee

'[I] snagged one of the carts full of groceries and took off': Customer teaches entitled Karens a lesson for dissing an employee

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‘I turned to the young guy, winked and mouthed, "play along"’: 2 innocent customers getting yelled at for being ‘incompetent employees’ decide to have a little fun with this Karen

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‘That was the best Baconator that I ever ate’: Classic Karen tantrum backfires and ends up getting herself kicked out and customers 60% off their meal

'Throwing a baby shower for themselves': 25+ socially unacceptable things people do all the time

'Throwing a baby shower for themselves': 25+ Socially unacceptable things people do all the time

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'I just lost it laughing': Karenzilla accosts a minimum wage worker and tries to steal another customer's snow tires; gets put in her place and run out of the store

'All she does is pitch fits': Karen Mom calls the cops on her 5-year-old daughter for crying, cops arrest Karen

'All she does is pitch fits': Karen Mom calls the cops on her 5-year-old daughter for crying, officer arrests Karen

Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (October 26, 2023)

'My school is fining students that take too long in the bathroom': Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (October 26, 2023)

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‘I want him fired right now!’ […] ‘Ma'am, he doesn't work here': Electrician shopping at a hardware store becomes the main focus of a Karen customer's tantrum

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'You're a real hero bud': Petulant child customer thinks he's clever for torturing cashier, gets panned in the comments

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‘I've been employed here 17 years… Ok Karen': Blue collar and white collar employees share a laugh at a tantrum-throwing Karen who's demanding they pay her $150-$250 parking ticket

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"I am rude? I. AM. RUDE?": Airport Karen loses it when a couple doesn't give up their seat at the terminal, so they turn the tables on her

'Oh, okay. So you own the street?': Entitled Karen says woman's dog isn't allowed to bark on the street, woman films Karen

'Oh, okay. So you own the street?': Entitled Karen says woman's dog isn't allowed to bark on the street

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'A "great" welcome to the neighborhood...': New homeowner finds out the hard way that she has a Karen neighbor after catching her stealing from her driveway, stands ground during tantrum

'You, sir, are a Karen': Guy wants to speak to grocery story manager for food bank partnership, employees assume he is a Karen, gets thrown out of the store

'You, sir, are a Karen': Guy wants to speak to grocery story manager for food bank partnership, employees assume he is a Karen, gets thrown out of the store

'It was my personal bag and it wasn't for sale': Shoplifting Karen claims employee's handbag is hers after employee tells her she cannot purchase it

'It was my personal bag and it wasn't for sale': Shoplifting Karen claims employee's handbag is hers after employee tells her she cannot purchase it

'Don't ruin my weekend': Host scams guest who turns out to be ex-city inspector, gets property red-tagged and costs host over $70,000 in repairs

'Don't ruin my weekend': Host scams guest who turns out to be ex-city inspector, gets property red-tagged and costs host over $70,000 in repairs