
'I could not believe how perfect the timing was': Thai restaurant employee tricks customer in front of entire restaurant

'I could not believe how perfect the timing was': Thai restaurant employee tricks entitled customer in front of entire restaurant

'She blamed him for EVERYTHING': 20+ spouses and family members of Karens speak out, commiserate, and provide tips on how to cope

'She blamed him for EVERYTHING': 20+ spouses and family members of Karens speak out, commiserate, and provide tips on how to cope

karen karens hospitality tales-from-the-front-desk reddit customer-service room-service service motel hotel

'[She was] talking to me like I'm the idiot': Karen goes berserk when the hotel receptionist explains how room service works, realizes her misunderstanding and stalks off defeated

'The literal self-absorbed nature of society': Top 25 minor inconveniences that annoy folks to no end

'The literal self-absorbed nature of society': Top 25 minor inconveniences that annoy folks to no end

'Where's my salute?': Military wife insists on being saluted, accidentally creates brand new rule for the entire base to 'salute vehicle stickers'

'Where's my salute?': Military wife insists on being saluted, accidentally creates brand new rule for the entire base to 'salute vehicle stickers'

'Your adult children don't talk to you and you don't know why': 20+ signs of a trashy parent

'Your adult children don't talk to you and you don't know why': 20+ signs of a trashy parent

work workplace coworker coworkers worker employee employees karen karma office office-karen karens

'Hire her and I'm gone': Office Karen turns into the 'boss's pet', getting a coworker fired who later blackballs her for a better position

'I can't do ANYTHING if you're both YELLING AT ME': Karen customers messed up their own payment, accuse front desk agent of fraud, she claps back

'I can't do ANYTHING if you're both YELLING AT ME': Karen hotel guests messed up their own payment, accuse front desk agent of fraud, she claps back

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'A white elephant? In THIS economy?': Employee cracks silly Christmas office joke, Karen coworker tries to slam him for it, but HR deems it the 'company's usual permitted shenanigans'

'A guest should eat what they are given': Guy gets even with Karen mother-in-law after 10 years, hosts dinner with food she can't eat

'A guest should eat what they are given': Guy gets even with Karen mother-in-law after 10 years, hosts dinner with food she can't eat

'If you think I'm the only one mad and upset with you two, think again': Aunt returns Christmas card and pens note telling her nephew and his wife off

'If you think I'm the only one mad and upset with you two, think again': Entitled aunt returns Christmas card and pens a scathing note telling her nephew and his wife that they should "be ashamed"

'She can get lost': Karen complains about her shift schedule despite not following rules, supervisor maliciously complies, extends her shifts

'She can get lost': Karen complains about her shift schedule despite not following rules, supervisor maliciously complies, extends her shifts

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'I forgot to tell her': Couple eclipses nosy Karen neighbor's home with massive privacy fence

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'The cops were called': Karen arrested for accosting customers she mistook for employees, who play along to send her over the edge

'But I'm TSA Precheck...': Karen tries to cut the airport security line, throws a tantrum when TSA agent blocks her

'But I'm TSA Precheck...': Karen tries to cut the airport security line, throws a tantrum when TSA agent blocks her

'I NEED this $400 swing for free': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (November 12, 2023)

'I NEED this $400 swing for free': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (November 12, 2023)