
karen story

reddit, failblog, r-talesfromyourserver, tales-from-your-server, male-karen, kyle-karen

'And no tip, of course': Customer refuses to read entire menu description and demands item restaurant does not offer, incompetent manager leaves novice server in charge

When it comes to sticky situation, you're going to want an expert in charge, right? Unfortunately, sometimes, like in the instance of this Redditor's story, the “expert” in charge is actually the worst. This Redditor was new to working the service industry. (They have since worked it for many years, but this was from the start.) The were working at a big chain steak house when they got a male Karen . This guy ordered something off the menu that did not exist. When OP pointed that out to him, he…
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failblog, reddit, call-center, customer-service-representative, r-talesfromcallcenter, tales-from-call-center, call-center-story, funny-male-karen, male-karen, boomer-karen

'I'll never forget this interaction': Customer demands 'delivery drones' to avoid $25 shipping fee, phone rep is left speechless

Welcome to the modern era! Flying cars might not be the regular on the roads like humans hope for back in the day, but technology has advanced well beyond our wildest dreams. Now, we have the internet . *Cue angels singing and sun peaking out through the clouds* Now, with the internet, everything is made to be more convenient, like shopping, communicating, and even banking. (Yes, there are also many many negatives to the internet, but don't get me started on that…) One online banker seemed to g…
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reddit, failblog, r-AITA, holiday-shift-coverage, holiday-work-fail, karen-coworker, working-on-thanksgiving, holiday-work, holiday-employment

‘She thought she was being super clever’: Employee tattles to the boss as a power move to force coworker to cover her Thanksgiving shift, ends up duping herself instead

It's that time of the year again, everybody! When you work at a place that needs to keep running during the holidays. This can include the service industry, retail, and even tech! Bet you have never even thought about how sight security and coding needs to continue smoothly even during the holidays. That means employees are trading shifts left and right to try and get a day off to spend with their loved ones. Most places you can just discuss it like adults amongst your coworkers and figure out…
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'I could not believe how perfect the timing was': Thai restaurant employee tricks customer in front of entire restaurant

'I could not believe how perfect the timing was': Thai restaurant employee tricks entitled customer in front of entire restaurant

No offense to this woman, but if you're in a super big rush , why are you stopping at a restaurant? We've all been there: you're out on the go somewhere, maybe between jobs or between meetings, and you suddenly get that rumble in your stomach. When you're hungry, every restaurant looks appealing. If you have an hour or two to spare, stopping into a sit-down dining establishment is a great way to have a break and refuel.
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'Where's my salute?': Military wife insists on being saluted, accidentally creates brand new rule for the entire base to 'salute vehicle stickers'

'Where's my salute?': Military wife insists on being saluted, accidentally creates brand new rule for the entire base to 'salute vehicle stickers'

Being a military spouse is a big deal to some people. Their husband or wife joins the military, and in order to go with them, they travel to whichever base their spouse happens to be stationed at. It can oftentimes be a lonely life. So the military spouses become a tight-knit group. After all, who else can you spend time with while you're at the base? Maybe that's why so many military spouses take their partner's ranking so seriously. They think that because their husband or wife is an official…
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office-christmas-party, reddit, r-entitledpeople, entitled-people, entitled-coworker, office-holiday, office-white-elephant, office-grinch

'A white elephant? In THIS economy?': Employee cracks silly Christmas office joke, Karen coworker tries to slam him for it, but HR deems it the 'company's usual permitted shenanigans'

The holiday season is upon us and workplaces all over the U.S. are starting to plan their ultimate end of the year shebang! This is the one time of the year that companies' tend to let the budget go over and the wine start flowing. Nobody wants to be a humbug! I mean, it's cold out now and it gets dark super early—we NEED something to celebrate. However, with society evolving, the holiday season can also be an HR nightmare. You get people taking advantage of the open bar at the work party, whic…
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bus-karen, NYC-bus, nyc-transit, Mta, public-bus, public-transit, karen-on-public-transit, funnny-new-yorker, arabic-new-yorker, english

'I've never felt so good. Like, wow!': Dude starts to get Karen'd on NYC bus when he switches from English to Arabic, pretends he doesn't speak English and hilarity ensues

Sometimes you just have to act dumb and let the situation unfold on its own…
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witty-aunt, funny-aunt, karen-shutdown, witty-roast, witty-burn, funny-roast, funny-karen-roast, witty-karen-roast, best-aunt, aunt-cookie, r-entitledpeople

'I giggle-snorted and laughed until my side hurt': Aunt in remission from cancer epically shuts down a Karen within seconds and gets the entire function snickering

Do you have that one person in your life that you cling to when you're having a hard time in life and they never fail to put a smile on your face? Even if that smile is just for a second, it is healing. That was Aunt Cookie for this redditor. Aunt Cookie was in remission from her third time having cancer (and is still living life to the fullest to this day, apparently!) and was “all out of effs.” OP was close with her auntie and when her mom passed, she had her Aunt Cookie to lean on. While at…
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entitled-client, entitled-caller, the-nightshift, night-shift, justice, funny, supervisor, manager, troll, work-troll

'I decided to play supervisor': Call center employee pretends to be the supervisor 6x to troll client who would not stop calling and throwing a tantrum

Have you ever worked in a call center? If you have, you are stronger than I, good person. I salute you! That is a hard job. Sure, maybe they're sitting most of the day, but the kinds of people call center employees have to deal with phone call after phone call is just mind blowing. That takes some real patience and true inner strength. We're talking phone calls from people who are insulting your intelligence for literally no reason! The entitlement that seeps through the phone from these caller…
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karens retail retail satisfaction retail worker retail employee reddit karen retail job karens in the wild karen karma working retail karen story karen retail nightmare - 22805253

‘I'll show you!’: The most satisfying awkward silence ensues after entitled lady attempts getting snarky with retail employee but ends up proving herself wrong

Oh how the tables have turned! There's nothing more satisfying than when you work in retail and the entitled customer takes themselves to the cleaners. You don't even have to get your own hands dirty. OP here experienced that bliss while working at a store in the mall. The store they worked at closed an hour earlier than the entire mall complex, thus some customers would get confused. Usually, not a big deal to tell them their hours and then the customer usually says, “oops, okay” and then carr…
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karens failblog satisfying reddit karen I dont work here lad karens in the wild karen karma Reddit karen story karen - 22806533

‘I turned to the young guy, winked and mouthed, "play along"’: 2 innocent customers getting yelled at for being ‘incompetent employees’ decide to have a little fun with this Karen

It's one thing if you're wearing a red collared shirt to Target and you have to keep telling people you don't work there. That one is on you. It's a completely other thing if you're dressed like you're on your way to Margaritaville in some grocery store and a Karen literally starts slapping you around for being an “incompetent employee.” Like, lady… I don't even work here! Speaking of, in the subreddit r/IDontWorkHereLady, one man shared his story of his own similar encounter. He was in his san…
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karens failblog fast food employee fast food karen reddit karen working fast food I dont work here lady wendys karens in the wild karen karma fast food manager Reddit karen story fast food karen - 22821637

‘That was the best Baconator that I ever ate’: Classic Karen tantrum backfires and ends up getting herself kicked out and customers 60% off their meal

"Welcome to Wendy's, can I take your order?" Imagine taking a breath, and you're about to give your order, your mouth is salivating and your belly grumbling, but then a monstrous Karen comes barreling in and pushes you aside so she can order first. Then when you try to call her out for it, she starts calling you a bad employee because apparently you work there now… Well, that is exactly what happened to these poor souls. They just wanted a Baconator and what not, but instead they were met face…
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karen karens karen-story story karens-in-the-wild wild snow snow-tires winter snow-day mechanic minimum-wage work employee worker reddit petty-revenge

'I just lost it laughing': Karenzilla accosts a minimum wage worker and tries to steal another customer's snow tires; gets put in her place and run out of the store

Snow season is upon us in the northern States and like they do every season, some residents seem to have forgotten the importance of appropriate snow-gear. Somehow every year, there are procrastinators (who are apparently incapable of checking the weather forecast) that are neglecting to make appropriate arrangements for the upcoming snow days. Karens everywhere are ready to accost their local minimum wage workers, morphing into their final form as the rudest, most entitled customers in town.
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karens karen vs electrician reddit karen hardware store hardware store shopping karens in the wild electrician story karen karma karen story blue collar karen electrician - 22779397

‘I want him fired right now!’ […] ‘Ma'am, he doesn't work here': Electrician shopping at a hardware store becomes the main focus of a Karen customer's tantrum

Have you ever been thrust into the universe a Karen lives in? It's quite a bizarre place. It seems that logic does not exist in this universe and you must be a mindless worker bee for the Karen. It's obviously not a real reality that sane people live in, and yet entitled Karens all over the world seem to believe that is where we all live. It's quite mind blowing , to be honest. A blue collar electrician recently accidentally walked into the world of a Karen. He was shopping at a hardware store…
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karens karen tantrum failblog reddit karen parking lot karen karens in the wild karen karma Reddit karen story karen entitled people - 22721541

‘I've been employed here 17 years… Ok Karen': Blue collar and white collar employees share a laugh at a tantrum-throwing Karen who's demanding they pay her $150-$250 parking ticket

Parking lots can drive up a lot of tension. Most people try to be polite and park with the thought in mind that other people are parking around them. There are rules to follow in a parking lot and if you don't you can get ticketed just like as if you were parking on the street. It's really not that perplexing. And yet, there is always a parking lot Karen ready to throw down on whatever ridiculous charges she's spewing about. This happened to a Reddit poster who was able to just laugh in her fac…
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entitled flyer karens airport flight passengers airport terminal reddit karen airport karen karens in the wild karen karma airport drama traveling Reddit karen story karen - 22692101

"I am rude? I. AM. RUDE?": Airport Karen loses it when a couple doesn't give up their seat at the terminal, so they turn the tables on her

Traveling should be a fun adventurous time for you and your partner. Sure, planning everything can be stressful and getting there can be exhausting, but even those parts are still pretty exciting. As long as you go into it with an open mind and ready for any sort of hiccup on the road, you're going to have a great time. However, there are the occasional Karen situations that can put a heavy damper on things. This poor couple, according to the Reddit post, had a Karen encounter first thing. They…
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