karen story

reddit, failblog, r-entitledpeople, entitled-people

'I almost lost my job over an entitled Karen': Theme park photographer encounters insensitive mother who yells at a Make-A-Wish kid's family, sees red

'I can't fire him, because he's my boss': Customer lets her kid wreak havoc in store because she's 'the owner's daughter'

'I can't fire him, because he's my boss': Customer lets her kid wreak havoc in pool store because she's 'the owner's daughter'

not-invited-to-holiday-work-party, work-party, reddit, failblog, r-work, work-drama, grade-school-pettiness, grade-school-behaving-coworker

‘She [laughed] and hoped I was happy having to work alone': Employee is the only one not invited to the company holiday party due to grade school level pettiness, HR does nothing

reddit, failblog, karen-shut-down, abuelita-vs-karen, grocery-store-karen, supermarket-karen, r-idontworkherelady

'Mega Karen learns the terrifying power of Abuelita': 90 Lbs granny epically shuts down a Karen tantrum using a flipflop and a stern stare

Karen-customer, rude-karen-put-in-her-place, kindness, kindness-wins

'Because you are rude [and] she is nice:' Karen customer gets told off after employees ignore her and help more courteous woman

reddit, failblog, satisfying-service-industry-stories, customer-shutdown, entitled-customer-shutdown, satisfying

'I professionally shutdown Karens & Kens': 21+ Servers share their most satisfying customer shutdown stories

karens games talesfromretail holiday season grandkaren retail demanding video game holiday karens in the wild entitled grandparents video games tales-from-retail karen story wii karen holidays entitled people - 23376901

'Then came the Karens': Video game store offers too-good-to-be-true offer on gaming console, store floods with confused customers

reddit, failblog, r-entitledpeople, entitled-boomer-couple, privleged-boomer-hippies, bookstore-probs, bookstore-problems, seasonal-bookstore-employees

'Dude, you just loiter': Older couple waltz around bookstore like they own the place never spending a dime, owner pulls a fast one on them by removing all chairs

reddit, failblog, entitled-people, r-idontworkherelady, I-dont-work-here-lady, grocery-store-clerk, grocery-store-karen

‘I don’t work here': Grocery store Karen grabs electrician by the collar demanding ‘clean up in aisle 10,' he almost actually does it due to sheer craziness-levels

reddit, failblog, restaurant-scammer, dine-and-dash, diner

'By god, he had me stressed on a Monday morning': Male-Karen throws a tantrum demanding a meal refund, turns out he's in the wrong restaurant

'The administrative tasks piled up, not that Karen noticed': Assistant manager insists employee 'print an MP4' file, employee spends hours completing her task

'The administrative tasks piled up, not that Karen noticed': Assistant manager insists employee 'print an MP4' file, employee spends hours completing her task

reddit, failblog, r-talesfromyourserver, tales-from-your-server, male-karen, kyle-karen

'And no tip, of course': Customer refuses to read entire menu description and demands item restaurant does not offer, incompetent manager leaves novice server in charge

failblog, reddit, call-center, customer-service-representative, r-talesfromcallcenter, tales-from-call-center, call-center-story, funny-male-karen, male-karen, boomer-karen

'I'll never forget this interaction': Customer demands 'delivery drones' to avoid $25 shipping fee, phone rep is left speechless

reddit, failblog, r-AITA, holiday-shift-coverage, holiday-work-fail, karen-coworker, working-on-thanksgiving, holiday-work, holiday-employment

‘She thought she was being super clever’: Employee tattles to the boss as a power move to force coworker to cover her Thanksgiving shift, ends up duping herself instead

'I could not believe how perfect the timing was': Thai restaurant employee tricks customer in front of entire restaurant

'I could not believe how perfect the timing was': Thai restaurant employee tricks entitled customer in front of entire restaurant

'Where's my salute?': Military wife insists on being saluted, accidentally creates brand new rule for the entire base to 'salute vehicle stickers'

'Where's my salute?': Military wife insists on being saluted, accidentally creates brand new rule for the entire base to 'salute vehicle stickers'