
karen put in her place

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‘That’s ENOUGH’: Karen customer slams credit card machine when asked to pay a pet fee for her hotel stay, employee says she can get lost if she can't be civil

What did the card machine ever do to you?
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Restaurant employees share the good and the bad in a tell-all about the best and worst customers they've ever had

Customer service employees share stories about the best and worst customers they've ever had: ‘They got the wrong omelette and . . . stomp[ed] it on the carpet’

Well, at least they didn't make a big deal out of nothing
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Homeowner puts foot down when entitled neighbors use their driveway for the 8-10 cars they own, accused of Karen behavior as a result

‘I’ve just finally reached the boss level’: Reasonable homeowner accused of Karen behavior when she refuses to let entitled neighbors repeatedly use her driveway

"They have 8-10 people living there with a car for each person so that means more spaces are taken on the street every day..."
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Karen gets put in her place when she picks the wrong battle with a beloved homeless man integrated in the community, authorities decide she's the problem and take his side

‘Justice served’: Park Karen berates homeless man loved by many in the community, calls the authorities on him but they decide Karen's entitlement is the real problem

"After she left, some people in the park came over and gave Tim some food and drinks, just to show support."
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Micromanaging Karen gets bested by pest control worker when he takes out a tape measure and gives her exactly what she asked for

‘My patience was nearly gone’: Pest control worker embarrasses micromanaging Karen who insisted on precise measurements for a yard spray, humorously complies with a tape measure

He gave her exactly what she asked for.
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Karens demand student, studying hard, to move from her table for their convenience and student tells them to get lost, sparking a Karen dispute

‘No, you can't’: Two Karens bother studying student and demand she gives up her table because they refuse to sit in the sun, apparently forgetting inside tables exist

Your inconvenience is not my problem.
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Entitled Karen gets owned after she assumes she is ‘The Most Important Person on the Plane’, fellow passenger retaliates in an "everybody clapped‘ moment

‘First class Karen‘ goes haywire when other passengers share the overhead bin above her seat, fellow traveler amusingly retaliates with one sentence

"I'm just going back to my seat in row 2 so I can grab my water bottle and backpack. Like 10 other people, I have been in first class with you for this flight."
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Entitled Karen follows and accuses woman of stealing, loss prevention lets woman know and the Boomer tries to get her in trouble again

‘Weird’ Karen follows and falsely accuses woman of shoplifting at a hardware store, loss prevention employee chews Karen out: ‘She followed me like a hawk’

Then she tried again a few minutes later.
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karens ipads school child entitlement ipad mothers karen put in her place mother reddit karen motherhood sad but true entitled people karma karens in the wild School of FAIL entitled r-entitled karen story karma karen children entitled people - 36804613

Mother goes on rampage after her iPad is stolen from her car during school pick-up, says it's the school's fault despite her having not locked her car off school premises

"I’m just baffled at the entitlement of wanting everyone else to pay for her ridiculous mistakes."
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Entitled Karen can't do math and demands extra money on top of the rounded-up sum of $5 the server gives her, threatens to report the server

‘I was genuinely dumbfounded’: Server rounds up customer's change to $5 because they had no coins, entitled Karen demands her 15¢ even after being given extra money back

"Draw pictures and illustrations and have her count out the number of apples and bananas."
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customer service ok boomer karens boomers being fools boomer entitlement karen put in her place karen-customer customers karen-customers reddit karen reddit story entitled customers entitled people karma boomer memes baby boomers karens in the wild boomers entitled reddit thread r-entitled Reddit karen story karen entitled people - 36575237

‘It's important to be kind’: Man is rewarded with free food after Karen Boomer freaks out because her food is taking too long, despite being at the wrong restaurant

"Karen, still mad, admits she is in the wrong restaurant."
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Karen manager is outsmarted by employee when she tries to cut his hours, he claps back using her own advice and ends up getting paid even more than before

‘I was dumbfounded’: Grocery store manager Karen tries to cut employee's hours, so he uses her own words against her and ends up with a higher hourly pay

“They only have hard-working employees in their departments. You wouldn't fit in.”
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Classic Boomer Karen freakout ensues after employee tells her she doesn't have an appointment she swears she has

‘I DEMAND TO SPEAK TO JUSTIN’: Woman swears she has an appointment at auto repair shop and employee ensures her she doesn't, resulting in a classic boomer Karen freakout

“That'd be difficult because there isn't a Justin here.”
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entitled customer wreaks havoc on employee right before close, employee gets justice when customer realizes that he'll be stuck at the store for 30 minutes

Customer harshly requests a product manual to be printed at check-out right before the store closes, gets owned by employee when he realizes it's 650 pages

“… the husband looked smug[ly] at me, probably feeling like he had won over the big man.”
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entitled doctor uses expired credit card for his hotel stay, assumed hotel is scamming him after they reach out several times to get him to pay his past-due debts

Prestigious doctor pays for $2000 hotel stay with expired credit card, then accuses hotel of stealing his money when employee reaches out about the past due bill

Nobody is exempt from paying off their debts.
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entitled Karen duo pester retail employee and inconvenience ‘nice lady’ customer, preventing her from checking out and making the employee walk in mental circles

‘Two Karens, one transaction’: Retail employee gets the two-for-one Karen special, one who assumes seasonal Halloween decor is wicked and another who doesn't believe in patience

What did Halloween ever do to you, Karen?
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