
karen karma

'You owe me...': Mother demands 18-year-old daughter pay her back $700,000 for expensive upbringing

'You owe me...': Mother demands 18-year-old daughter pay her back $700,000 for expensive upbringing

Typically, parents want to give their kids everything they could possibly want—or, more precisely, everything they need to be successful and happy. But what if your parents kept a record of every single expense they ever incurred on your behalf? Do you have to pay them back, or are they supposed to shoulder the cost of your upbringing? The account that follows is the story of an astonished girl. On her eighteenth birthday, the Original Poster (OP) received a lengthy and detailed document detail…
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‘Nothing I tried worked on this broadzilla’: Lawn irrigation tech gets reprimanded for doing his job, karma ensues when Karen customer leaves her stuff on his tool truck

‘Nothing I tried worked on this broadzilla’: Lawn irrigation tech gets reprimanded for doing his job, karma ensues when Karen customer leaves her stuff on his tool truck

You think you're good at handling high-intensity situations until you encounter a Karen…
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'Someone please get this Karen fired': Girl with fainting disorder gets accosted by employee in the midst of a medical emergency due to having a service dog

'Someone please get this Karen fired': Girl with fainting disorder gets accosted by employee in the midst of a medical emergency due to having a service dog

It seems like Karens only comprehend service animals when it's them buying a vest online and using it for their untrained dog.
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'You need to watch your tone, because it's not her fault': Wife stands up for employee when husband tries to pull a Karen

'You need to watch your tone, because it's not her fault': Wife stands up for employee when husband tries to pull a Karen

It's our duty to keep the Karen inside of us all in check, though, sometimes you might need a little help from your partner to do so.
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'You can't do this to me': New manager demands employee cancel $6,000 vacation following company layoffs, then refuse to reimburse them

'You can't do this to me': New manager demands employee cancel $6,000 vacation following company layoffs, then refuse to reimburse them

We work to live, not the other way around. It's difficult to find an occupation that fulfills our ambitions and desires. When we finally find that one individual in the workplace who is friendly and supportive, it might be difficult, to put it mildly, to let go. A furious software developer who works for an organization that offers ‘unlimited PTO’ shares his story below. OP has been organizing an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime international trip. Before starting the preparations, he made sure seni…
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'Cue waterworks': State clerical worker used to getting bombarded by Karen clients finally reaches her wit's end first thing in the morning

'Cue waterworks': State clerical worker used to getting bombarded by Karen clients finally reaches her wit's end first thing in the morning

Working in customer service already puts a beacon on you to attract all kinds of Karen and Kyle customers ready to through a tantrum. If you think working in hotels and restaurants provides the most Karen encounters, then you don't know about people who work in customer service for government programs…
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'She won...': Passenger on a short flight is sat next to woman who proceeds to portray the epitome of ‘bad’ airplane edict

'She won...': Passenger on a short flight is sat next to woman who proceeds to portray the epitome of ‘bad’ airplane edict

If the airline industry needed a poster child for what “bad airplane edict” looked like, they found one. Sometimes it is simply mindblowing how impolite and utterly repulsive someone can be. Like, can you not see what you are doing? You are very obviously acting like a child, but you are a grown adult. Do you not know that you are a grown adult and are expected to act as thus? What a world…
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'I absolutely know I’m in the legal right': Woman closes gate to lake access on her private property, entitled neighbors impersonate fake HOA to intimidate

'I absolutely know I’m in the legal right': Woman closes gate to lake access on her private property, entitled neighbors impersonate fake HOA to intimidate

When you purchase a property, do you intend to follow all the unwritten rules that other neighbors feel “grandfathered” into? What if those rules get your car dinged up or your dog loose? The entitlement to your own private property can be intimidating. And if your good old-fashioned neighborly intimidation tactics don't work, then some extremely entitled neighbors might take it too far. Perhaps even going against the law.
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'Idk Karen': Woman calls the police to the pharmacy because dude won't let her cut in line, gets lectured by the cops about what is an actual emergency

'Idk Karen': Woman calls the police to the pharmacy because dude won't let her cut in line, gets lectured by the cops about what is an actual emergency

If there is one thing sure in life, it's that Karens are gonna Karen. There's no stopping it. If they have their eyes on the tantrum-prize, nothing can simmer down that entitlement bubbling up inside. One theory is that Karens have zero empathy; they are simply unable to see anything from anyone else's point of view. Makes sense, really, once you see them in the wild.
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'We did exactly what they wanted': First-time homebuyers upset due to ‘missing items’ previous owners tried to leave for them, too late to back out of the deal now

Sometimes you can repeat yourself a thousand times and be as crystal clear as possible, and someone will still misunderstand you. Like, how much more do you need to spell it out? You literally spelled it out with written words multiple times. You would think this only happens from time to time, but nope. It happens all the time! It seemed to happen recently when these veteran homeowners sold their house to some first-time homebuyers. Now, they're not trying to play the blame game here, where th…
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'Enjoy your [new] drama-free life': Entitled sister quits the job her sister got her after only 2 days, sister cuts her from her life and blocks her from getting her W2 tax forms

Isn't it just a kick in the teeth when you really go out of your way to help someone and they aren't even grateful? Or worse, they totally take advantage of your kindness? That knife in your back feels even worse when it's from your own family. But, family drama is no mystery to the world and happens often. Take this woman, for example, who recently cut her own sister out of her life. Her sister was a struggling mother of three, so she went out of her way to help her as best as she could. She d…
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‘I had enough of her’: Banker threatens to quit but stays for a generous raise, puts in her two weeks shortly after anyways when new manager brings her to tears

Sometimes you need to quit because you're not getting paid enough for the work you do. Sometimes you are getting paid well for the work you do, maybe even over the usual market value for your position, but if the work environment is making you miserable, you still need to quit. Obviously, it's up to you, do whatever you want, but are you seriously okay with having to endure such a volatile place for such a a huge chunk of your life? One banker said enough is enough. She had been working at this…
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'I politely told her [no]… She kept yelling:' Karen mom thinks son is entitled to window seat during flight, demands unwilling woman switches with her, flight attendants put her in her place

If you have ever flown before, then you should be well aware of the in-flight edict. You can try and pull the ‘ole switcheroos with seating, nobody is really against that. But you need to approach it with zero expectations. You are not entitled to that seat switch. And if you are considering asking someone to switch seats with you, then you have to come to them with an upgrade, not a window seat for a middle, or ask for a front seat with more legroom and offer a middle seat by the bathrooms. Li…
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 ‘Pretty sure you’re not in the right place’: Entitled customer storms into a random store to complain about the Postal Service then returns a week later to file an 'official' complaint

‘Pretty sure you’re not in the right place’: Entitled customer storms into a random store to complain about the Postal Service then returns a week later to file an 'official' complaint

Some like to complain, while others take pleasure in solving problems. However, for a strange reason, we always encounter the 50% of the population who get their kicks from criticizing and complaining about those around them. The account that follows is the story of an innocent bystander who was the target of an irate customer who was attempting to mail an item through the postal office. At this point, you probably think this is just another typical event. Unfortunately, it probably is. But thi…
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‘[My supervisor] is going to have a very “fun” conversation with him’: Entitled customer demands personal phone number of auto insurance employee, gets threatened with jail time instead

Working the phones in any job is not usually a very good time, but working the phones for insurance claims seems to be notorious for getting the worst of the Karen and male-Karen customers…
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reddit, petty-revenge, r-pettyrevenge, teenager-co-worker, first-job, working-teens

'I went home feeling pretty good about myself': Teen takes petty revenge on adult co-worker who constantly belittles her for being 16 years old

Remember interning? Remember working as an inexperienced and insecure employee for $0 pay? You would think that you more senior/ actually-paid coworkers would maybe take you under their wing and give you a break and some pointers. That's the internship dream! And then you have a nice little connection and mentor into the workforce you're trying to break into. Unfortunately, that is not always the experience. Sometimes a more entitled older co-worker will takes this un-paid “employee” and use th…
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