

'The golden rule of flying': Airline passenger gets surprise upgrade for being kind and patient, while fellow passengers who Karen-ed him get secretly downgraded

'The golden rule of flying': Airline passenger gets surprise upgrade for being kind and patient, while fellow passengers who Karen-ed him get secretly downgraded

You might have heard from a wise person once that the golden rule of life is: “Don't be a jerk." Well, we agree with that person and is applies to many other life experiences. For example, flying. When you are going on a trip and have to fly, going to the airport can be stressful for everyone involved. You don't know the situation of each passenger or employee. So, it's best to approach it with kindness and patience, or else everybody, including yourself, is going to have a bad time. A perfect…
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'It's still funny to me': Crafty 10-year-old son sticks up for his father beefing with male-Karen neighbor and gets away with it

As a parent you want to teach your children to turn the other cheek; to not give into petty squabbles because you want them to be above that kind of negativity. All a grudge does it make you feel worse and does nothing to your “enemy.” However, that is easier said than done. We are all humans who feel real human emotions, and some of those emotions are frustration and anger. If someone is being a complete jerk to you, it's very hard to just “ignore” them. The desire to feel justice is very very…
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'I had a customer so awful our manager almost cried': Ranch diva customer throws Karen-level tantrum, husband still tips 35%

'I had a customer so awful our manager almost cried': Ranch diva customer throws Karen-level tantrum, husband still tips 35%

After working in customer service, you quickly come to the side fo abolishing the “customer is always right” mentality. Why? Because the customer most definitely is not always right. In fact, it becomes pretty obvious that the customer is usually very wrong. Unfortunately, many customers going into a customer service based establishment still think they can't possibly be wrong and that they need to be waited on hand and foot. God forbid you get one tiny thing wrong—if these customers had their…
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‘[Karen] had to pay a little over $60k:’ Plan backfires on Karen mom suing rancher for not allowing her daughter to ride the horses on private property

The audacity of some people just feels absolutely insane. How can you be THAT delusional, running around town like you own the place? How come delusional and entitled tend to go hand in hand? A story we came across recently on Reddit really had us pondering this. On the subreddit r/EntitledPeople a person posted a story about a friend of theirs. This friend owned a farm with some rescue horses. She did not give out riding lessons because these horses have gone through trauma and are not for rid…
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'I WANT IT FOR THIS PRICE!': Entitled Karen gets epically put in her place after grocery store manager reads word-for-word the definition of a "unit price"

It's not easy working in customer service and don't let anyone trick into thinking it is. The actual work is not hard, anyone can learn it. But dealing with the customers… That takes skill! Especially when it comes to dealing with entitled Karen customers . This is the kind of customer who marches into the place like they are the king or queen or rules over it and then asks for the impossible and throws a tantrum when they can't get it. For example, a person on Reddit shared a story of an entit…
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