
karen hotel customers

‘I really think I've seen everything... But then I go to work.’: Potential Karen-level-10 situation pleasantly deescalates to a hilarious misunderstanding

‘I really think I've seen everything... But then I go to work.’: Potential Karen-level-10 situation pleasantly deescalates to a hilarious misunderstanding

When you work in customer service, you truly see all of humanity. You see the precious people who the world could use more of, and you, of course, see the Karen, the humans incapable of empathy, the “adults” whose first response is to throw an entitled tantrum. Perhaps this is how balance is kept in our world? Who knows… Recently, a hotel employee went to the subrredit r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk to share a story that could've had a very different ending. You see, when you work the front desk of a…
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