
Entitled couple on a cruise thinks another guest was a server, taking food from her plate: '[I'm] not a cruise line employee!'

Entitled couple on a cruise assumes another guest was a server, taking food from her plate: '[I'm] not a cruise line employee!'

Entitled woman keeps changing her order and sending food back, throwing tantrum in front of the manager: 'Let's see how many freebies we can get'

Entitled woman keeps changing her order and sending food back, throwing tantrum in front of the manager: 'Let's see how many freebies we can get'

Entitled shopper forces grocery store workers to fit bags into her overstuffed trunk, workers refuse to comply: 'It goes in the trunk. Make it work'

Entitled shopper forces grocery store workers to fit bags into her overstuffed trunk, workers refuse to comply: 'It goes in the trunk. Make it work'

choosing beggars choosing beggar aita entitled entitled people entitled parents karen karens karens in the wild karen-customer customer service customers influencer influencers

Artist exposes "influencer" demanded the artist pay her for the privilege of working for her

entitled entitled people entitlement restaurant cook kitchen staff restaurant work working in a restaurant aita reddit stories entitled people karma customers

Entitled customers demand ‘real food’ after restaurant kitchen closes, employees put them in their place and finish the night with apple pie: ‘‘Bar is now closed get out‘

Regular customer throws tantrum that convenience store employee doesn't know her order by heart: 'I try to explain [my] short-term memory loss'

Regular customer throws tantrum that convenience store employee doesn't know her order by heart: 'I try to explain [my] short-term memory loss'

entitled entitled people entitled parents karen karens karens in the wild karen-customer customer service customers

Entitled parent tries to get woman fired from a daycare where she doesn't even work: 'Fire this person or else'

ed flag work workplace workplace-stories toxic-workplace toxic-work-environment askreddit reddit story entitled people reddit thread karen weather snow

‘Florida isn't supposed to be cold!’: Entitled hotel customers demand refunds for their stays due to inclement weather, employee refuses to comply

‘The bigger the sign, the less people will read it’: 20+ Employees recount their most hysterical ‘guests who can't read signs’ stories

‘The bigger the sign, the less people will read it’: Front desk employees recount their most hysterically funny ‘guests who can't read signs’ stories

customer support customer service karens workplace-stories talesfromretail entitled parents retail karen-customer customers karen-customers karens in the wild entitled tales-from-retail karen entitled people Life in Retail - 38755333

Entitled mother confronts tech retail worker at the supermarket who helped her and her son earlier: 'This happened about a week ago and I still think about it because of how absurd this lady was...'

karen karens karen-customer customer customers customer-service service cashier cashiers employee employees worker work job return refund karma

‘Okay, you can shop wherever you bought that instead’: Cashier gets sassy when a gaslighting Karen tries to return a product they don't sell, sends her packing

Impatient customer follows store manager outside the establishment to pay for her meal, manager bites back and calls out her presumptive demeanor

Impatient customer follows store manager outside the establishment to pay for her meal, manager bites back and calls out her presumptive demeanor

customer support customer service workplace-stories talesfromretail manager retail karen-customer customers karen-customers managers tales-from-retail Life in Retail - 38700037

Manager yells at teen worker in front of customers, customers complain and he gets fired: 'I later found out he lost his job'

 karens karen-customer customers blankets demanding yarn karens in the wild blanket entitled karen story karen entitled people

Blanket Karen customer demands cheap blanket from hobby crafter: 'It's still going to cost you $400'

'Um, there's a line': Impatient Karen skips crowded line to order her drink, customer gets even by stealing her drink order

'Um, there's a line': Impatient Karen skips crowded line to order her drink, customer gets even by stealing her drink order

‘She needs customer service training’: Customers arrive at restaurant on New Year's night during closing, leave entitled review and tip 4% despite server's excellent service

‘She needs customer service training’: Customers arrive at restaurant on New Year's night during closing, leave entitled review and tip 4% despite server's excellent service

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