

Karens spar at a restaurant after after one overhears the other's loud phone conversation: 'I could hear everything'

Karens spar at a restaurant after after one overhears the other's loud phone conversation: 'I could hear everything'

The only thing that can ruin a restaurant meal more than bad food is the presence of an unruly customer. Sometimes, they are clearly lonely and enjoy eavesdropping and inserting themselves into your dinner conversations. When this happens, you tend to indulge them with a few polite exchanges, only to realize that you are going to have to endure this for the next 45 minutes (at least) because you are simply too simply polite to ask them to leave you alone. Other times, your meal is interrupted b…
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male karen gets owned when he realizes that hotel is not liable for his damaged car, gets banned from the premises because of his treatment of hotel employees

‘The hotel is not liable for any damaged or missing property’: Male Karen threatens to sue front desk employee after his car is damaged in the wrong parking spot, gets banned from the premises as a result

Make sure to read the signs very carefully.
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wild karen yells at front desk employee about outrageous requests, gets served when he revokes her discount

‘Ma'am you have the lowest rate on the property this evening’: Karen customer repeatedly berates hotel employee with outrageous requests, employee claps back hard

“I have dealt with a lot of people and you are downright nasty and disrespectful.”
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'How many days do we have for a 45 day return?': 20+ Customer questions that were complete nonsense

'How many days do we have for a 45 day return?': 20+ Customer questions that were complete nonsense

Customer service workers , you're doing the world a favor every time you politely answer the silliest question you've ever heard. They won't train you for this in most customer-facing roles. You think that customers will more or less know what's going on… but that's not the case. In fact, it seems like many jobs just require the worker to answer the same customer questions over and over and over. Some customers are special, though. They're so confused that their questions make the workers pause…
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Employee deals with male karen who throws dirty towel at him, even though his room was cleaned during his multiple day stay

Male Karen throws his dirty towel at front desk employee because housekeepers had left for the night after a busy weekend: ‘We're short staffed’

All is fair until customers start throwing stuff at you.
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Karen loses it over lawn mover price after getting duped by a fake ad online: 'Your price is wrong! These are $9.95!'

Karen loses it over lawn mover price after getting duped by a false ad online: 'Your price is wrong! These are $9.95!'

Don't trust everything you come across online, folks! This male Karen customer did not comprehend that the obviously false advertisement he saw for a lawn mower on social media was, well, not real. We trust the Redditor in this scenario when they claim that this was a poorly Photoshopped ad for a $9.95 lawn mower when in reality, the lawn mowers they were selling at the store cost upwards of $200. Like any entitled customer when they are not given what they want, this Karen lost it. In fact, it…
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'Ma'am, you have injected yourself into my life for no good reason': Top Karens of the Week (July 12, 2024)

'Ma'am, you have injected yourself into my life for no good reason': Top Karens of the Week (July 12, 2024)

Heatwaves can make people crazy, but these Karens already were crazy to begin with… Look, when it gets this hot outside, people can be a little rough around the edges. After all, the height of summer means walking down one street and somehow encountering at least eight different scents simultaneously. It means coming into work sweaty and gross. And it means a ton of social obligations, some of which inevitably involve the most annoying people. So let's all give each other a break before we all…
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Photographer sabotages wedding photos after harsh family criticism, ruining precious memories

Photographer sabotages wedding photos after harsh family criticism, ruining precious memories

Your priorities should always be centered around your family. You ought to go above and beyond to ensure the happiness of your loved ones. But what would you do if your family openly disregarded your field of employment and treated you like an unnecessary burden? Would you still treat them with the highest regard? The story below is an account of a frustrated cousin. The original poster (OP) volunteered to be the photographer for his cousin's wedding. He felt obligated to help the couple in any…
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customer service ask reddit karens entitled parents karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 35670533

30+ People share the biggest public tantrums they've witnessed from adults: 'She actually stamped her foot and said we had ruined her Christmas'

Working retail gives you a fantastic seat center stage to bear witness to some of the most incredible performances, teeth-gritting rage complete with bulging temples and flying saliva—unfortunately, this show requires audience participation, and the rage is almost always directed at you… Never mind the fact that you're just a lowly cashier, literally the lowest ranking member in the organization… you're going to be the one to suffer the full wrath of their immature and impotent frenzy. The biza…
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'You need a lesson in etiquette...': Ferry crew kick entitled passenger off ship after his demands caused massive delay, resulting in 24-hour layover

'You need a lesson in etiquette...': Ferry crew kick entitled passenger off ship after his demands caused massive delay, resulting in 24-hour layover

If you want to get what you want rather than what you deserve, there are situations when it is preferable to be wise rather than righteous. The story below is an account of a frustrated car ferry worker. The original post (OP) details a previous interaction with a haughty client. The ship was preparing to set sail on a scorching summer's day. Even though the deck was nearly full and OP lacked the necessary area to carry the freight, he offered to load a little MG, if they didn't mind the strain…
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'Want us to stop calling? Absolutely': Fed-up call center worker gets even with impolite customer

'Want us to stop calling? Absolutely': Fed-up call center worker gets even with impolite customer

This call center worker is fed up. You can just tell that they've absolutely had enough of their job by the way they're talking to customers. Although this story doesn't come from the r/AmItheA****** subreddit, people on the interwebs had some strong opinions about this story. U/tharealmouse shared a tale that happened while they were working at a call center and had to deal with an impolite customer. Why was that customer not being polite? She didn't want to talk to someone on the phone (under…
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customer service workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance karen-customer work customers client workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35575301

Client demands their contract be serviced by worker's in an office, get footed with a hefty bill for remote workers' increased compensation and time: 'Turns out the contract was very clearly written and the client had to pay'

When making demands from someone who you're paying to provide you with a service, you'd do well to be certain that you know what those terms are. See, industries that work for clients on a contract basis have a habit of not notifying you that your additional requests will be incurring additional charges once the original terms of the agreement have already been agreed to. And why would they? You've already agreed to them, so it's fair to assume you already know the cost of what you're requestin…
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Sports fanatic strikes back at bar's sound limitation after being forced to endure subpar viewing experience

Sports fanatic strikes back at bar's sound limitation after being forced to endure subpar viewing experience

Sports fans will stop at nothing to watch the game in a quiet and serene setting where they can fully immerse themselves in the action. Having said that, do you anticipate being interrupted when you visit a sports bar—a place where fans of various sports congregate to enjoy a lively game of sports—or do you assume the bar will make every effort to optimize the viewing experience? The story that follows is that of a sports enthusiast. The original poster (OP) watched the College World Series cha…
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'The hotel is sold out': Karen lies about booking reservation, demands refund, front desk agent doesn't fall for her tomfoolery

'The hotel is sold out': Karen lies about booking reservation, demands refund, front desk agent doesn't fall for her tomfoolery

If you're looking for a common area where Karens love to throw tantrums, look no further than the concierge desk at a hotel chain. The complaints tend to be of a similar variety. Perhaps the wifi isn't working or the mediocre complimentary breakfast is, in fact, mediocre. Perhaps the room is “too small” despite fitting the exact online description on the hotel website. Or perhaps the Karen made an error and is trying to blame everyone else for said error. That is one of the possibilities behind…
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'I'm going to sue you all and get all of you people fired': Entitled Karen blames movie theater employees after disruptive kids get thrown out

'I'm going to sue you all and get all of you people fired': Entitled Karen blames movie theater employees after disruptive kids get thrown out

Who doesn't love it when a Karen tries to blame others for her own bad parenting? This lady left her demon children at the movie theater late at night, where they broke the rules and caused a scene by hopping from one theater to the next and disrupting each screening. Of course, they were warned on several occasions and of course, because they are entitled kids, they did not adhere to said warnings. They ended up getting thrown out of the establishment and forced to wait outside for their Karen…
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'Give my son a black belt': Karate Karen throws tantrum after son is denied a black belt, instructors defend themselves

'Give my son a black belt': Karate Karen throws tantrum after son is denied a black belt, instructors defend themselves

This Karen has never heard the word “no,” and apparently, neither has her son. it turns out that the most dangerous part about the Karens of the world is that there is a high likelihood that they will pass their toxic traits to their children. What this essentially means is that where there is a Karen parent, there is likely a Karen child ready to keep that entitled behavior going until they themselves have kids. So on and so forth. The dynasty of Karens will seemingly never end. Here, we have…
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