

funny-karen-coworker-story justice happy-employees teamwork employees lol happy-workers karen-coworker workplace Reddit funny-coworker-story funny-work-story - 21648389

'He fired her on the spot': Team of employees root for Karen coworker to be let go, luckily she ensures that fate all on her own in a 'hilarious way'

Listen, we all know what it's like trying to get a job when you're still young and in your party phase of life. There's this constant internal debate of, “should I keep partying or go home and get some rest so I can be fresh for work in the morning?” What if the love of you life comes to the party right when you leave? What if everyone has the absolute time of their lives and will talk about it for the rest of your life, but you left at 9pm because you had a meeting in the morning? So, sometime…
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'He threw a temper tantrum': Coworker gets fired after other delivery drivers get back at him through malicious compliance

'He threw a temper tantrum': Coworker gets fired after other delivery drivers get back at him through malicious compliance

Have you ever had that one coworker who will manipulate every situation and use every tool and any loophole at their disposal in order to make sure that things always go their way? If you haven't, good for you, and please let me know how you've managed to avoid them for so long. These coworkers—Gary, let's call them Gary… Now, Gary is no dull blade; the ability to gaslight and manipulate your way through a team of people takes knowledge, brains, and skill. But Gary is often lazy, looking to avo…
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'She tells me I am going to be fired': HR Karen changes dress code to try and fire workers, they comply by wearing women's clothing

'She tells me I am going to be fired': HR Karen changes dress code to try and fire workers, they comply by wearing women's clothing

Sometimes it's important to take a step back and take a look at why you're doing something—especially when it negatively impacts other people. If you can't come with anything other than “because I want to” or “because it's better for me personally” then maybe you should reconsider and not do that thing. For one, you should never have the audacity to think that you can think that you have the authority and skill to rewrite an entire policy by yourself overnight… Add the incompetency of this empl…
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customer service karens workplace-stories talesfromretail firing idontworkherelady fired karen-manager manager retail work working the-retail-life karen-coworker managers retail-stories working retail karen - 20677125

'Forget it, you're fired!': Dude gets fired from a store where he didn't even work

It should be understood, at this point, that straying into a store with a uniform consisting solely of a specifically colored shirt—whilst wearing that same color of shirt—is a risky move. It should also be understood that even wearing a similar color shirt is likely to attract every Karen and disgruntled manager within a 100-meter radius. If you choose to do this, you do so at your own peril, but at least you can write a story about it later to share online. This guy happened to stray into a l…
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karens workplace-stories workplace-story interviews job-seeker karen-coworker workplace job interview interview karen entitled entitled people - 19905797

'Hire me. And then I'll leave': Karen demands a job and causes a scene after being told no, refuses to leave and is escorted out by security

There is such a thing as taking advice too literally…. and we've all probably heard the advice from parents (and other older relatives) that the best way into the workforce is to march into somewhere you want to work—best professional attire, CV in hand, and demand a job. The employer will be so taken aback, in awe, and blinded by the magnificence of your professional prowess that they'll offer you a $100k/yr job on the spot… as a receptionist. In reality, that's not how it works anymore (if it…
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20+ Coworker Memes of the Week for Understaffed Teams of Employees (March 16, 2023)

20+ Coworker Memes of the Week for Understaffed Teams of Employees (March 16, 2023)

Memes galore to help with the bore
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