

'I made sure she didn't get any commission': Casually dressed customer returns to high-end store and humbles employee after being refused service

'I made sure she didn't get any commission': Casually dressed customer returns to high-end store and humbles employee after being refused service

We're always told, 'Don't judge a book by its cover', but that doesn't deter people from judging people based on how they look anyway. This sales rep made the mistake of her life when she refused a casually dressed customer service. OP was walking by a designer store when she noticed a cool backpack that caught her eye. She went inside and asked one of the employees if she could bring it out so that she could take a closer look before purchasing it. The sales rep basically scoffed at her and to…
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‘I spent all Christmas on it’: Junior lawyer spends holidays working for incompetent boss, leading to 100s of hours of overtime

‘I spent all Christmas on it’: Junior lawyer spends holidays working for incompetent boss, leading to 100s of hours of overtime

One boss was under the impression he ruined his junior worker's holidays by giving him an unjustifiable amount of work, right before Christmas. The result of this type of tedious task usually results in a nosedive in team morale, but of course, that has never stopped a micromanaging boss, has it? Let's start at the beginning. The events that unfolded that led to hundreds of hours of overtime on OP's part are comical. u/Calledinthe90s, the OP in question, explained how he was working as a junior…
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‘I was denied a raise, so I quit’: Boss denies IT employee 5-10% raise, employee quits, leading to boss paying 40% extra for replacement

‘I was denied a raise, so I quit’: Boss denies IT employee 5-10% raise, employee quits, leading to boss paying 40% extra for replacement

For some unfathomable reason, companies have a larger hiring budget than retention budget. They're willing to pay more money to hire a new employee, than they would be willing to pay as a raise for an existing employee. OP was working as a junior at an IT job for a company. During OP's yearly evaluation, they asked their boss for a 5-10% raise, which was completely fair, as they had taken on many responsibilities since the beginning of their employment. OP's boss refused, giving a bunch of reas…
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