

Lee Mack makes John Cleese laugh with funny joke

Lee Mack's Joke Leaves John Cleese In Tears

The delivery is impeccable.
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Funny bathroom graffiti people found | reddit posed by coolcleverfunnyname Not exactly bathroom stall but bathroom bar my hometown there's condom machine says refund insert baby Always made chuckle.

Terrific Bathroom Graffiti People Witnessed

Poetry at its finest.
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People misunderstanding satirical joke news and believing it | Disney announces revolutionary new idea 4D movies were actors perform live right front Hate break bubble Disney, but 's been thing since LONG before movies even existed | So much their goodwill They're horrible company THEONION.COM Goodwill Executives Arrested After Years Skimming Donated Goods Off Top Uh guess no one noticed this Onion

Mistaken People Who Didn't Get Satire

They didn't get the joke.
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Funny senior yearbook quotes | ear everything boy with big ears dressed in a tuxedo | Don't use stupid lumber jack photo Mom photo of a person in an orange tank top and jean shorts and a usa flag bandanna around their forehead holding a branch over their shoulder

Funny Senior Quotes that Passed with Flying Colors

One of the only things worth remembering about high school.
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Puns and memes that are literal and technically true | funny tweet Donny Electric @DonnyElectric saw my boy across bar tell some girl he travels work man delivers pizza

Dumb and Clever Jokes that are Literal and Accurate

He's not wrong, persay.
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Tumblr thread of joke foreplay activities | NEVER SKIP FOREPLAY Make out. Lick her jaw. Suck her neck. Eat her God Damn py. e melaninmermaid Foreplay is essential. blueklectic Lick her jaw dickbuttofficial chew on her eyebrows kingweedorah put ear her torso moonuncle whisper into ass

Tumblr Adds Dumb Suggestions to List of Foreplay Activities

Yeah, spank her hair.
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Stories of pranks people did | molnarg1102 72.9k points 18 hours ago Two my friends have never met eachother. Before they spoke told both them other is bit deaf. They shouted at eachother few minutes before they realized an asshole.

Sinister Pranks People Pulled Off

Some great ideas to make your friends hate you forever.
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Jokes and memes for dads and about them | Every girls weakness: bottom half of a man in jeans and sneakers. man cheering from outside a window as a woman is getting interviewed: MY WIFE DOING ANYTHING

Dad Memes That Go Father Than Ever Before

For the dads out there.
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Fun mailboxes that are made to look like other things | atm machine shaped like a game boy console. mail box shaped like a person riding a bike with the door situated on the butt

Weird and Cool Mailboxes that Deliver the Goods

Take that, normal mailboxes.
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Silly jokes from twitter | tweet by brendohare will have 4 blueberry muffins dinner please DUNKIN DONUTS CASHIER: Please do not tell us having them dinner

Funny Tweets as Sweet as Treats

Twitter is like a succinct, well narrated panic attack.
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The differences in different cultures food according to tumblr | thirdtimecharmed american recipes: buy these three cans stuff and put them pan congrats cooked. altonzm french recipes: if not making this paris then 's point. fuck italian recipes: use left leg meat pig one three farms this specific area tuscany, or this day my grandmother will begin manifesting

Tumblr Thread Dives into Peculiarities of Recipes in Different Cultures

Every cuisine has its own thing.
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Person trolls vegan by telling them they eat meat on an annual cheat year | Just like ur vegan well mean have annual cheat year so Ok 's even worse Wait annual

Vegan Trolled with Concept of Annual Cheat Year

It's not that complicated.
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Texts from dads after being told their kid put olive oil in their car | tweet by thedad Text dad this now 's makin weird sounds Post replies. IMPORTED 100% Pure Olive Oil. 100% Pure Olive Oil IMPORTED put oil my car and now 's makin weird sou nds? Does sound like olives can Lol Delivered Now have drain olive out

Dads Respond to Being Told Their Kid Put Olive Oil in their Car

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Dad jokes, puns and stupid jokes | reallyfunnyshortjokes got words "jacuzzi" and "yakuza" confused. Now hot water with Japanese mafia. flowisaconstruct didn't want like ButI did.

A Ration of Puns to Satiate Those Wordplay Cravings

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Dumb and silly puns jokes and memes | knifenymph change does not come place comfort aquareaper3 find pennies and nickels my couch all time, so don't know are talking about

Dumb Moments and Clever Jokes That Are Technically Accurate

As long as you take things way too literally.
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Funny dad jokes and dad memes | Person - Not Evan @actuallynotevan ur dad finds ur extensions Twitter actuallynotevan | Animal - airhead mere @merestromb Got my dad's house and he showing all food he has snack on and he goes "and have guacamole ball s guacamole ball ask? well will tell an avocado. He has an avocado.

Rad Dad Memes to Achieve Dad Dreams

We gotta hand it to the dads out there, who try so hard to make us laugh with terrible jokes.
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