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'I had to pay them [FOURTY] THOUSAND DOLLARS.' Job interview goes sideways when interviewer reveals terms of training

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Funniest Work Memes for Burnt Out Employees With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (March 27, 2023)

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'Imagine my surprise': Worker receives call from first job 16 years later asking them to come back

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'Should I accept the job?': Job seeker uses ChatGPT to ace virtual job interview

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Employer demands employee's son's birth certificate despite them not taking paternity leave

'She fired me because I wouldn't give her my baby' : Terrible boss fires pregnant employee after she refuses to give away her baby, employee calls EEOC as revenge, boss gets fired

'She fired me because I wouldn't give her my baby' : Terrible boss fires pregnant employee after she refuses to give away her baby, employee calls EEOC as revenge, boss gets fired

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'Turned down three jobs for [this]': Worker shows up to their third day at new job to find the business has folded

'They had no idea I understood every word' : Rude customers fat-shame bridal stylist in Spanish, unaware she speaks the language, leading to petty revenge

'They had no idea I understood every word' : Rude customers fat-shame bridal stylist in Spanish, unaware she speaks the language, leading to petty revenge

20+ Coworker Memes of the Week for Understaffed Teams of Employees (March 9, 2023)

20+ Coworker Memes of the Week for Understaffed Teams of Employees (March 9, 2023)

'I hate my job, but I especially hate it on Saint Patrick's!' : Server creates relatable Reddit thread for bitter bartenders

'I hate my job, but I especially hate it on Saint Patrick's!' : Server creates relatable Reddit thread for bitter bartenders

'Your employee was unable to walk' : Entitled hotel guest attempts to dictate employee's life off the clock, manager puts guest on DNR list

'Your employee was unable to walk' : Entitled hotel guest attempts to dictate employee's life off the clock, manager puts guest on DNR list

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20+ Relatable Work Memes for Employees With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (March 6, 2023)

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Relatable Work Memes for Employees With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (February 28, 2023)

Vent after an inteview

'No point asking you anything else': Rude hiring manager makes interviewee cry after second interview

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'Offered the same salary again': Job candidate declines role after low-ball salary offer, management comes back with a second offer... for the same amount

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Relatable Work Memes for Employees With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (February 21, 2023)