
'I’m resigning Tuesday after Memorial Day and going on vacation': Dude regrets leaving $78k job for $90k WFH job, opts to be unemployed instead

'I’m resigning Tuesday after Memorial Day and going on vacation': Dude regrets leaving comfortable $78k office job for discombobulated $90k WFH job

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'That would be to expensive': Boss boasts about his standing desk but won't let anyone else have one

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'I thought everything was going OK': Worker fired for using her phone one month after starting new job

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'I need to get paid on payday': Bartender gets fired and blocked for demanding to be paid on time

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'Okay, I quit': Overworked worker denied a raise, immediately quits

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'We will contact our lawyer': Company threatens candidate with legal action after they leave a review of their interview experience

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'I put in my [four] week notice': Guy gets passed over for promotion, successful candidate tries to get him to do his work

Bill Gates said, "I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it." What's a real-life example of this?

'My nephew outsourced his chores': 20 Lazy people who are also really clever problem-solvers

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'I don't like your chances': New employer threatens teen after they demand to be paid for their work after quitting due to red flags

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Witty Work Memes for Weekday Soldiers With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (May 9, 2023)

'She was always late for work': Coworker achieves petty revenge two years in the making

'She was always late for work': Coworker achieves petty revenge two years in the making

Top 15+ Cringey Linkedin Fails For Lone Rangers on a Job Hunt

Top 15+ Linkedin Fails For Lone Rangers on a Job Hunt

'She basically told you she didn't want the job': Employee tells boss about private DM's from a job candidate

'She basically told you she didn't want the job': Employee tells boss about private DM's from a job candidate

'I don't know how to bring up these things': Teenage worker keeps getting scheduled to work when she's not available, seeks advice about confronting boss

'I don't know how to bring up these things': Teenage worker keeps getting scheduled to work when she's not available, seeks advice about confronting boss

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Witty Work Memes for Weekday Soldiers With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (May 2, 2023)

for prioritizing my work over my partner's.

'My meeting takes precedence': Remote-working couple juggle sharing computer monitor between their two jobs