
'At this point... we’re making pure scrap': Industrial engineer begs to boss not to run trial with sticky materials, boss insists and costs company thousands

'At this point... we’re making pure scrap': Industrial engineer begs to boss not to run trial with sticky materials, boss insists and costs company thousands

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'He came into the job knowing absolutely zero about what we did': Clueless boss causes entire department to be terminated

'He deleted the entire company's website by accident': 20+ Foolish managers whose employees roll their eyes at their antics

'He deleted the entire company's website by accident': 20+ Foolish managers whose employees roll their eyes at their antics

CEO revokes new employees' job contract, costs himself millions: 'He had a "bad feeling" about me'

CEO revokes new employees' job contract, costs himself millions: 'He had a "bad feeling" about me'

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IT worker charges 16 hours to 2 hour job when management instates new painstaking time-logging system: '[The] client refused to pay'

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Worker denied 2 days of leave because of strict policy, follows same policy and gets a month off instead: 'It was a great month'

'Red flags start appearing from the very first minute I arrive': Startup hires employee for impossible project, then vows to cut their salary in half

'Red flags start appearing from the very first minute I arrive': Startup hires employee for impossible project, then vows to cut their salary in half

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'No': Middle manager demands contractor attend "mandatory" meeting, contractor replies with a simple "no"

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'My raise was 0.5%': Plant operator quiet quits after receiving "insulting" low raise

'It went to an awkward silence until James left for the day': Employee questions coworker's constant remarks about his wife, coworkers can't agree if they went too far

'It went to an awkward silence until James left for the day': Employee questions coworker's constant remarks about his wife, coworkers can't agree if they went too far

'The building was empty for most of December': Managers agree to every single vacation request after company eliminates PTO rollover

'The building was empty for most of December': Managers agree to every single vacation request after company eliminates PTO rollover

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'It’s satisfying watching the management scramble': IT department brought to a standstill when upper management decides they need to approve everything

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'You need my help? It'll cost 1 million': Scorned employee takes 10 weeks of vacation time before quitting job

'Sir, you've eaten nearly the whole box': Manager saves employee from salty customer upset over his meal

'Sir, you've eaten nearly the whole box': Manager saves employee from salty customer upset over his meal

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Employer contacts employee 6 months after firing them asking for their password: 'This just makes me giggle'

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'My coworker has an obsession with my job position': Retail worker refuses to leave baby department, repeatedly asks coworker, "When are you leaving?"