
workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25642501

Coworker annoyingly claims shared desk, employee gets even by unplugging things: '[IT] pointed out that her power chord was loose'

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Boss refuses to give in to employee's demands until they quit: 'He is scrambling. He has no one to fill my position'

'I won't have someone gaslight me': Customer gets snippy with retail manager, manager tells him to "call customer service yourself"

'I won't have someone gaslight me': Customer gets snippy with retail manager, manager tells him to "call customer service yourself"

employment job jobs Horrible Bosses work workplace antiwork workplace-stories employment-discussion workplace discussion employment issues in the workplace - 25666565

'The company dangled an unreachable carrot': Employee laments their impossible targets that were only designed to make their team work harder for nothing

'I gave her exactly what she asked for': Micromanager boss scolds employee for lateness, regrets it when employee stops working long hours

'I gave her exactly what she asked for': Micromanager boss scolds employee for lateness, regrets it when employee stops working long hours

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 25646341

'You can kiss your weekend hiking trips goodbye': Manager maliciously decries worker's desire for their weekends ordering them to work 6 days a week

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25 Coworker Memes to Enjoy on Your Lunch Break

'It was... very petty of me: Project manager sends massive 600+ page email to spite finance department

'It was... very petty of me: Project manager sends massive 600+ page email to spite finance department

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25617925

Overachieving employee raises KPI averages higher just so their boss misses a promotion: 'The entire sector didn't get raises that year'

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25593093

Manager insists on personally reviewing every job candidate Recruiter finds, lives to regret it: 'I never received pushback again'

'She hasn't booked with me again...whoops': 10+ Tattoo artists who got caught talking about their clients behind their backs

'She hasn't booked with me again... whoops': 10+ Tattoo artists who got caught talking about their clients behind their backs

'Yeah, I thought that was odd': Cafe manager fires clueless employee after single day on the job

'Yeah, I thought that was odd': Cafe manager fires clueless employee after single day on the job

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 25593605

Worker reprimanded when their coworker who was supposed to cover their shift no-shows: 'I got in trouble for it'

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Manager asks barista to a pay fine for calling out sick: 'Is there any way you can pay $50'

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses bad bosses employment in the workplace - 25594373

'She was fired': Hybrid employee takes a take a sick day instead after being admonished by boss for working an additional day from home while sick

'By all means, keep it up and get fired': Customer service rep refuses to stop CC'ing their CEO in emails

'By all means, keep it up and get fired': Customer service rep refuses to stop CC'ing their CEO in emails