
'No pay, no work': CEO informs employees they will no longer get commission on sales, then increases their workload, demanding they put in extra effort during 'tough times'

'No pay, no work': CEO informs employees they will no longer get commission on sales, then increases their workload, demanding they put in extra effort during 'tough times'

Tone-deaf CEO casually brags about expensive family vacation in front of employees living paycheck-to-paycheck: '[He] drop[s] 15K…twice a year…on Disney cruises'

Tone-deaf CEO casually brags about expensive family vacation in front of employees living paycheck-to-paycheck: '[He] drop[s] 15K…twice a year…on Disney cruises'

'If the company's holding your car, get taxis everywhere': Boss lets employee take petty revenge on secretary who refuses to give them back their vehicle

'If the company's holding your car, get taxis everywhere': Boss lets employee take petty revenge on secretary who refuses to give them back their vehicle

workplace discussion instructor workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work course workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25235461

Worker forced to attend boring training, uses instructor's lesson against them: '[He said] I was being unreasonable'

Boss dangles $250 gift card to employee he fired if he refers new potential employees: 'Every eligible candidate you refer [...] earns you an entry [to] receive a $250 Amazon gift card'

Boss dangles $250 gift card to employee he fired if he refers new potential employees: 'Every eligible candidate you refer [...] earns you an entry [to] receive a $250 Amazon gift card'

'At this point... we’re making pure scrap': Industrial engineer begs to boss not to run trial with sticky materials, boss insists and costs company thousands

'At this point... we’re making pure scrap': Industrial engineer begs to boss not to run trial with sticky materials, boss insists and costs company thousands

boss workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance bosses work coworkers malicious-compliance-reddit workplace Horrible Bosses malicious compliance reddit - 25197829

'He came into the job knowing absolutely zero about what we did': Clueless boss causes entire department to be terminated

Cheapskate CEO enforces new coffee policy, employee gets payback at company workshop with his own rule: 'You can't have coffee!'

Cheapskate CEO enforces new coffee policy, employee gets payback at company workshop with his own rule: 'You can't have coffee!'

‘Don’t contact me again': Boss demands unpaid intern to work extra hours, intern quits on the spot and blocks boss's number

‘Don’t contact me again': Boss demands unpaid intern to work extra hours, intern quits on the spot and blocks boss's number

micromanager manager work workplace coworker worker coworkers employee employees boss supervisor working ceo job business company nitpicking retail time theft wage

'You have no power over me': Retail employee dupes a 'time-thief' manager operating according to a watch set 10 minutes ahead

'He deleted the entire company's website by accident': 20+ Foolish managers whose employees roll their eyes at their antics

'He deleted the entire company's website by accident': 20+ Foolish managers whose employees roll their eyes at their antics

Guy gets passed over for a promised promotion in favor of manager's buddy: 'SAY WHAT BRUH?!'

Guy gets passed over for a promised promotion in favor of manager's buddy: 'SAY WHAT BRUH?!'

‘I handed you my two weeks' notice… two weeks ago': Boss schedules employee to work even after they quit their job, resulting in a dispute when they don't show up

‘I handed you my two weeks' notice… two weeks ago': Boss schedules employee to work even after they quit their job, resulting in a dispute when they don't show up

CEO revokes new employees' job contract, costs himself millions: 'He had a "bad feeling" about me'

CEO revokes new employees' job contract, costs himself millions: 'He had a "bad feeling" about me'

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs tech support talesfromtechsupport toxic-workplace job malicious compliance work technology it IT guy workplace timsheets workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25140741

IT worker charges 16 hours to 2 hour job when management instates new painstaking time-logging system: '[The] client refused to pay'

'You will respect me': 47-year-old Nurse Karen throws tantrum at younger coworker, embarrasses herself in front of a patient

'You will respect me': 47-year-old Nurse Karen throws tantrum at younger coworker, embarrasses herself in front of a patient