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'How this email finds me...': Top Email Fails of the Week (January 27, 2023)

'Restaurants like that don't deserve to work': Worker claims to be wrongly fired, reports restaurant to the feds

'Restaurants like that don't deserve to work': Worker claims to be wrongly fired, reports restaurant to the feds

antiwork job work millennials generations baby boomers gen z reddit thread Reddit - 19114501

'Snowflake Gen Z': Employee's 'Age Awareness' Training Includes Wildly Biased Descriptions of Generations

‘Fine, I’ll Play the System’ : Man Commutes 175 Miles per Day to Work, Company Refuses to Reimburse Him for Transit, Leading to Malicious Compliance

‘Fine, I’ll Play the System’ : Man Commutes 175 Miles per Day to Work, Company Refuses to Reimburse Him for Transit, Leading to Malicious Compliance

No, you don't understand. I REALLY wouldn't do that, if I were you....

'Jackie was in some serious, serious s***': Suspended employee refuses to take steward's advice, gets herself fired

You don’t want me to do my job? Okay, I won’t.

'Okay then': Boss takes employee off big project and puts it into incompetent hands, malicious compliance ensues

"Go get another offer" - Okay!

'Go get another offer': Boss tells employee to get an offer elsewhere to justify their request for a raise, cue malicious compliance

20 Weekly Memes for the Employees Who Need a Dose of Dopamine to Make It to the Weekend

20 Weekly Memes for the Employees Who Need a Dose of Dopamine to Make It to the Weekend

'He totally ignored my questions... Sir! I am almost 30 years old!': Misogynistic wedding venue manager embarrasses himself in front of colleagues, loses customers

'He totally ignored my questions... Sir! I am almost 30 years old!': Misogynistic wedding venue manager embarrasses himself in front of colleagues, loses customers

Coworker waited hours for my shift to end so I would drive her home, even after I said no.

'It took everything in me not to yell': Needy coworker keeps asking for a ride home, becomes borderline stalker

'We are to call him Daddy Cool': Entitled, unhinged boss insists employees call him weird nicknames, cue malicious complaince

Sleepy, Self-Deprecating, and Stressful: Memes, Tweets, and Fails For Your Sunday Scaries

Sleepy, Self-Deprecating, and Stressful: Memes, Tweets, and Fails For Your Sunday Scaries

My boss exploded

'You should have all said OK Boomer': Horrible Boss explodes at employees, causing mass exodus

A Weekly Batch of Tired Memes for the Broke Crowd to Celebrate Future You Quitting Your Job

A Weekly Batch of Tired Memes for the Broke Crowd to Celebrate Future You Quitting Your Job

‘Bro, I Earn More Than You’ : Rich Dude Is Fed up With SIL and Brother for Bullying Him and His Wife, Destroys Them in Front of Entire Family

‘Bro, I Earn More Than You’ : Rich Dude Is Fed up With SIL and Brother for Bullying Him and His Wife, Destroys Them in Front of Entire Family

'We're all a family here': 25+ People share the most toxic red flags they've experienced at job interviews

'We're all a family here': 25+ People share the most toxic red flags they've experienced at job interviews