
Woman at work accused me of vaping in the bathroom because “I can smell it on you.”

'I can smell it on you': Karen coworker falsely accuses employee of vaping in the bathroom, tries to get him fired

code boss employee manager job copies coding Horrible Bosses - 19479813

'Sorry, I've got a new job now': Boss insists employee delete all backup files in order to save money, has major regrets

The job that fired me then hired three people to replace me

'My boss had to hire two more people just to replace me': Nepo baby gets fired for breaking company policy, gets petty revenge

‘Well, That’s 20 Years Down the Drain’ : Team of Employees Responsible for Company’s $480 Million Annual Profit Get Denied $10 Raise, Leading to Expensive Malicious Compliance

‘Well, That’s 20 Years Down the Drain’ : Team of Employees Responsible for Company’s $480 Million Annual Profit Get Denied a $10 Raise, Leading to Expensive Malicious Compliance

"oh that was Katy's job" I'm not sure if this belongs on malicious compliance but I figured people will enjoy this

'Not my job, not my problem': Coworker gets fired for questioning policies, company suffers after no one takes on her work duties

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Relatable Work Memes for Employees With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (February 21, 2023)

work-story antiwork workplace-stories jobs hr toxic-workplace job human resources workplace job interview interview employment - 2004743

'Was I overreacting?': Worker takes a stand after finding themselves unexpectedly in a working interview

Offered a job interview, ended up in a webinar with 200+ ppl.

'You lied and intentionally misled me in these texts': Job-seeker fires off angry message to recruiter who enrolled them in bizarre interview

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‘Union Rep Was Being Unhelpful on Purpose’ : Employee Receives Unfair Formal Warning for 3-Week Medical Absence Given by Unprofessional Manager, Resulting in Malicious Compliance by Means of Appeal

'That's not professional in my eyes': The controversial reason this person walked straight out of an interview

'That's not professional in my eyes': The controversial reason this person walked straight out of an interview

Yeah I’ll work 8 hours

'You sound like someone who loves a job that will never love you back': Employee screws herself over by working unpaid hours

AITA- Am I the asshole for making a coworker upset when I corrected her that we were just “coworkers” and not “friends”?

'You totally bombed that social interaction': Employee tells coworker on last day that they are not friends

20 Job Advertisement Typos and Fails

'Be ponctual and reliable': 20 Job Advertisement Typos and Fails

My friend got invited in for an interview after one over the phone. She was told she would get “$X” amount, when she was signing paper work to start, the rate was $3.15 lower then agreed. When she questioned it, the interviewer said “well you’re here now, may as well take it”. The rest is history

'I gotta use the bathroom': Interview candidate learns how low salary is, asks to use the restroom, gets in car, and drives home

guy gets his favorite manager fired all because he wasn't getting attention, now he regrets it and is feeling the karma

'I got rid of my boss to make my life better, but instead made it worse': Guy has Epiphany That He's a Backstabbing Employee After Getting His Favorite Manager Fired, Karma Comes for Him with Vengeance

antiwork imgur job email work instagram Memes funny tweets - 19140101

'How this email finds me...': Top Email Fails of the Week (January 27, 2023)