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'I walked out of my interview today': Candidate walks out of an interview after interviewer is 15 minutes late

'The call was brutal': Candidate reveals interview panel's incompetence, they all get fired

'The call was brutal': Candidate reveals interview panel's incompetence, they all get fired

'I lied about how much I currently earn': Desperate worker lands a better job by exaggerating their current earnings

'I lied about how much I currently earn': Desperate worker lands a better job by exaggerating their current earnings

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'The manager was wearing shorts and flip-flops': Candidate told to dress professionally by interviewer wearing shorts and flip-flops

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'I was flabbergasted': Interviewer calls candidates current employer without asking

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'Coldest Regards': Job candidate's passive aggressive cover letter goes viral

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'I thought everything was going OK': Worker fired for using her phone one month after starting new job

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'We will contact our lawyer': Company threatens candidate with legal action after they leave a review of their interview experience

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'Is it normal to be fired over text after two days': Worker fired from new job after second day without explanation

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'I put in my [four] week notice': Guy gets passed over for promotion, successful candidate tries to get him to do his work

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'I don't like your chances': New employer threatens teen after they demand to be paid for their work after quitting due to red flags

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'I walked out of a shady orientation': Job-seeker ditches out of orientation for new job after spotting red flags

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'I’m more qualified for your job than you are': Candidate bombs interview, gets a wholesome redemption years later

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'I basically leaked it through my cover letter': Job candidate guesses company's problematic secrets in their cover letter and gets call from the company's lawyer

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'Please let me know': Interviewer awkwardly asks candidate for a job

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'I had to pay them [FOURTY] THOUSAND DOLLARS.' Job interview goes sideways when interviewer reveals terms of training

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