job candidate

Company revokes offer from job candidate without explanation after candidate attempts to negotiate the salary: ‘This feels like shady business practice’

Company revokes offer from job candidate without explanation after candidate attempts to negotiate the salary: ‘This feels like shady business practice’

'It's a private matter':Job candidate refuses to answer interviewer's questions, claiming they are too personal, interviewer tells him to leave

'It's a private matter':Job candidate refuses to answer interviewer's questions, claiming they are too personal, interviewer tells him to leave

Hiring manager rejects job candidate after failing to schedule an interview for over a month, candidate responds to the rejection email: ‘Good luck or whatever’

Hiring manager rejects job candidate after failing to schedule an interview for over a month, candidate responds to the rejection email: ‘Good luck or whatever’

 work workplace Jobs job workplace-stories resume hiring hiring manager resumes job candidate

20+ Resume mistakes that left hiring managers laughing: 'He said a video game was his experience'

 boss workplace-stories jobs job bosses work coworkers job candidate job seeker workplace job interview interview

20+ Job interviews that could not have gone worse: '[I] had a guy take almost every pen in the room'

Job candidate arrive at interview only to be told that the interviewer has already left, candidate withdraws their application despite attempts to reschedule: 'Job hunting is hard enough'

Job candidate arrives at interview only to be told that the interviewer has already left, candidate withdraws their application despite attempts to reschedule: 'Job hunting is hard enough'

Job candidate gets told to leave the interview after they ask to eat lunch in the office instead of going out with the team: ‘You didn't pass the vibe check’

Job candidate gets told to leave the interview after they ask to eat lunch in the office instead of going out with the team: ‘You didn't pass the vibe check’

Company demands candidate pay for their own background check, vaguely claiming they will be reimbursed, leaving candidate unsure about proceeding: 'I want to give them the benefit of the doubt'

Company demands candidate pay for their own background check, vaguely claiming they will be reimbursed, leaving candidate unsure about proceeding: 'I want to give them the benefit of the doubt'

‘Job’ candidate wants to join the workforce, as long as she won’t be forced to work, envisions career as a professional slacker with minimal effort and maximum relaxation

‘Job’ candidate wants to join the workforce, as long as she won’t be forced to work, envisions career as a professional slacker with minimal effort and maximum relaxation

Job applicant accused of cheating on a test by tech hotshots, lands better job and pay by proving them wrong: ‘I saw them go from upset to delight’

Job applicant accused of cheating on a test by tech hotshots, lands better job and pay by proving them wrong: ‘I saw them go from upset to delight’

Candidate's offer falls through after manager claims they ‘no-showed' to the online interview, until candidate finds proof that manager lied: ‘This isn't [my] fault’

Candidate's offer falls through after manager claims they ‘no-showed' to the online interview, until candidate finds proof that manager lied: ‘This isn't [my] fault’

Job interviewer asks candidate why they want the job, to which candidate replies ‘I need the money’, leaving speechless interviewer unsure how to proceed

Job interviewer asks candidate why they want the job, to which candidate replies ‘I need the money’, leaving speechless interviewer unsure how to proceed

 jobs university hiring manager call candidates lies work job candidate hiring Office resume job interview interview

'Nobody knew him': Job interview candidate gets caught in lie about prior job experience when he interviews with the wrong person

Manager rescinds candidate's job offer after he demands they start working the next day, which made candidate laugh at his face: ‘I thought it was a joke’

Manager rescinds candidate's job offer after he demands they start working the next day, which made candidate laugh at his face: ‘I thought it was a joke’

work workplace employment Job Jobs workplace discussion in the workplace employment issues antiwork Horrible Bosses workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job employee employees overworked-employees new job hiring job candidate job seeker interview

'I was hired and fired within the span of 3 hours': New employee fired three hours after being hired and shown around the company's offices

‘Cool, great start…’: Job candidate ghosts business owner after he sends them unhinged texts about the position and accuses them of being unprofessional

‘Cool, great start…’: Job candidate ghosts business owner after he sends them unhinged texts about the position and accuses them of being unprofessional

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