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'Coldest Regards': Job candidate's passive aggressive cover letter goes viral

The modern job application process is as dehumanizing as it's intended to be. Apply to 200 jobs, and you might hear back from five, eventually getting an interview with three, with (hopefully) one actually having a chance of progressing to employment. Long gone are the days of “Turn up at the office and chuck your CV at the nearest manager" to prove your gumption. I highly doubt that method was actually as efficient as we've been led to believe. Still, if your older relatives are to be believed…
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'The job listing read $110,000':  Job candidate calls company out for refusing to pay the amount listed in job description, hiring manager denies salary expectations

'The job listing read $110,000': Job candidate calls company out for refusing to pay the amount listed in job description, hiring manager denies salary expectations

Companies falsely advertise salary ranges far too often, and the consequences are a lot of wasted time on potential candidates' part, never mind the recruiters. OP applied for an account executive job with a job description that offered a salary between $90k and $110k. Yet when OP was asked about salary expectations in the interview, the hiring manager acted surprised with OP's offer… even though his credentials were out of the ballpark. Companies just don't seem to have a moral compass anymore…
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'I thought everything was going OK': Worker fired for using her phone one month after starting new job

This worker shared her experience on Reddit's r/antiwork workplace subreddit community, telling of how she had been fired for using her phone from her new job despite never being given any warning that this was an issue. She had just started the new job a month ago, and although it was in a new industry she thought the job had been going well, but had never received any kind of employee handbook or had any rules regarding phone usage explained to her. “If I had been told that I was not supposed…
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'I’m more qualified for your job than you are': Candidate bombs interview, gets a wholesome redemption years later

Just a tip for the next time you're in a job interview: Don't tell the interviewer that you're more qualified for their job than they are. That's… just not going to end well for you or your prospects. This three-part story has taken place over the course of just as many years, with the original poster returning this week to provide a wholesome update and conclusion to their tale of the most insolent job candidate they ever interviewed. The tale starts with the candidate “Annabelle” coming in fo…
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