
job application

career jobs job application job interview Reddit job hunt workplace bad jobs workplace-stories - 21737477

'There is no way that question disqualified me': Woman loses out on a job she's overqualified for based on her honest answer

Sometimes telling the truth doesn't set you free.
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit job interview toxic-work-environment job application - 20299525

'The questions on these applications are wild': Employer asks if job applicants are willing to wait nearly six months to get paid, internet reacts

We've seen some ludicrous red flags on job applications, but this one is too far.
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work-story workplace-stories in-the-workplace jobs workplace-story job job hunt candidates work coworkers interviews job-seeker workplace job interview interview job application antiwork - 20179205

'I basically leaked it through my cover letter': Job candidate guesses company's problematic secrets in their cover letter and gets call from the company's lawyer

Imagine submitting a cover letter that is so well written and on point with calling out and solving the company's problems that you immediately get contacted by the company's lawyer and a frantic department head who demand to know where you got your information. Then, after all of that, you still don't get the job when they balk at your compensation request… Talk about a roller coaster! If you've ever wanted undeniable proof that you have the qualifications for a position and are generally skil…
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories in-the-workplace jobs toxic-workplace job hunt job-seeker workplace job interview interview toxic-work-environment job application - 2048263

'I had to pay them [FOURTY] THOUSAND DOLLARS.' Job interview goes sideways when interviewer reveals terms of training

If an employer wants to charge you money for anything to do with starting your new role… it's a scam, not a job interview. You would do your best to get up and run—fast, and as far away as possible—metaphorically… but maybe also literally.
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job ad workplace-stories job servers restaurant kitchen reddit thread Reddit job application - 19721989

'The worst job ad I've ever seen': Restaurant manager posts tone-deaf job ad with ridiculous demands, internet reacts

I guess in some sense, you have to appreciate this dude's honesty.
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workplace-stories in-the-workplace choosing beggars interviews workplace reddit thread job interview interview choosing beggar job application - 19688197

Employee stands their ground after employer tries for an unpaid trial

Unpaid working trials are a thing of the past—well… they should be according to the labor laws in a lot of states and countries. The unfortunate reality is that this is still a practice that takes place in a lot of industries and in even more organizations. There's nothing like having someone actually do the work to ensure that they can do it… right? Companies often have other goals in mind with this strategy, lot of clever-as-they-are-unethical hiring managers will use these “working interview…
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They invited me for a first interview and it went awesome . . . I asked the next person in line why she rejected me and she hit me with this. (I have 8 years of experience as a technical writer)

'She didn't even look at my resume': Job applicant with eight years of relevant experience gets rejected by unqualified hiring manager

We love when an unqualified hiring manager tells you that you're unqualified!
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What's one thing in a job description that gets an immediate skip from you the second you see it?

'Our employees are like a family': 30+ People share their biggest job application red flags

Job searching is an exciting and frustrating experience for many folks, but luckily, some Redditors are sharing their best tips to avoid working at a shady business .
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Look at some of these questions I had to answer on an application to work the front desk at a Hampton Inn

'Most people today talk too much and work too little': Application for hotel front desk employee includes ridiculous survey

This job application is nuts!
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Application for a min wage job, at a cat café

Application to Work at a Cat Café Requires Hand-Written Cover Letter and Ridiculous Creative Project

Can you imagine actually applying to this?
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Sassy Job Search Memes That Certainly Won't Pay the Bills

Sassy Job Search Memes That Certainly Won't Pay the Bills

This is my 20th interview, of course I have experience
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Is it legal to request a photo of someone for a receptionist position in order to be considered for an interview?

Red Flag Alert! Job Applicant Asked To Send Photo of Herself for Receptionist Position

This woman was asked to send a photo of herself to work behind the front desk at a gym.
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Different People Call Out Major Red Flags Found in Job Descriptions, Most of Them Are the Same

Different People Call Out Major Red Flags Found in Job Descriptions, Most of Them Are the Same

Language is everything
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Contrary to the Beatles...

days of the week job application - 7835475968
Created by BlueFroman

The Corner of 'Screw You' Street and 'Go to Hell' Avenue

jobs job interview job application - 4683988480
Created by MiraMcAwesome

My Friends Are the BEST!

resumes job application failbook - 7093908224
Created by Emi_Chan

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