

Jesus is a figure in ancient history that is the focal point of one of the largest religions in the world. So it's natural tat any number of jokes and memes come out of a being so famous and well-known. From RaptorJesus to classic memes, there's something for everyone for the father of Christianity.

Hipster Jesus Is at it Again

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Oh Hello, I Didn't See You There, I was Just Turning This Water into Wine

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Must be The Second Coming

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Why Didn't This Really Happen

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Oh Yeah!

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Megyn Kelly Defends the Eternal Whiteness of Jesus and Santa, in the Most Insane Fox News Piece in Months

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Now Thta's a Miracle

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Should Your Brother do You Wrong, Turn the Other Cheek and Kick That Chump to the Curb

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Via Metro

A Meeting of Two Greats

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Via Reddit

Jesus Had No Flow

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Let's Just Be Friends

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Created by CthulhuCultist

Jesus With Quasi-Anime Eyes

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I Had a Wild Weekend, Man!

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He's Probably Not Going to Like Living Inside Your Pokéball, Ash

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Help Me, Baby Jesus

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Created by bloodyknuckles

Jesus, Is That You?

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