

Jesus is a figure in ancient history that is the focal point of one of the largest religions in the world. So it's natural tat any number of jokes and memes come out of a being so famous and well-known. From RaptorJesus to classic memes, there's something for everyone for the father of Christianity.

Op Op Op Oppa Jesus Style

jesus arm tattoos crucifix - 6700791808
From Unknown

Suggestions FAIL

netflix inappropriate jesus religion Image - 6685410560
via Reddit

Cheated the Cashier Out of Ten Bucks. PRAISE JESUS!

stealing jesus Image - 6677659648

Jesus and the iPhone Have That in Common

jesus autocorrected faith voting-page - 6677768960

Thanks for Clearing That One Up

jesus jesus christ Image - 6631691008

Ecce Homo Likes to Party Rock

jesus party rock dancing Image Uncategorized - 6659022080

Matt: Not the Hero Denny's Deserves

jesus dennys Image Uncategorized - 6652668160

Holy Symbol FAIL

snack jesus face Image - 6631987200

Ugliest Tattoos: Hasn't Jesus Suffered Enough?

crucifix Image jesus - 6616068608
via F*** No Bad Tattoos

A Higher Authority

adoption cyanide and happiness gays jesus voting-page - 6612973568
via Cyanide & Happiness

No One's Worse Than Stan!

god heaven hell Image jesus santans satan - 6601807104

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

Image jesus jesus christ - 5123453440
From Unknown

I Wonder if Jesus Was More Into Hardstyle or Dubstep

dj dubstep faith Image jesus - 6594637056

School of Fail: He's Back, And He's a College Professor!

faith Image jesus professor voting-page - 6580588032

Failbook: It's Okay, It's Platonic

church Image jesus Mexican mexico - 6576220160

Failbook: Yo Luke, I Need a Good Rapper Name! Any Ideas?

Image jesus jesus christ - 6568008960

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