
'What a complete waste of my time': Manager tries to get employee written up for forgetting to take notes, manager's boss intervenes and fires her

'What a complete waste of my time': Micromanager tries to get employee written up for forgetting to take notes, manager's boss intervenes and fires her

'If you hire her, I'll quit': Employee terminates job candidate's offer after finding out the candidate is her old boss

'If you hire her, I'll quit': Employee terminates job candidate's offer after finding out the candidate is her old boss

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 23383813

'My screen was idle for 28 minutes': New manager accuses highest performer of being unproductive because of failed "screen audit"

'You had it good here': Boss takes credit for employee's tech savvy, mocks her during her final days on the job

'You had it good here': Boss takes credit for employee's tech skills, mocks her during her final days on the job

'Watch people's body language, particularly around management': 30+ red flags and questions to ask to avoid toxic work environments

'Watch people's body language, particularly around management': 30+ red flags and questions to ask to avoid toxic work environments

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 23250949

'We're going to be pursuing other candidates': Candidate loses job offer after "failing" salary guessing game interview tactic

32 Memes for New Hires Who Begin Their New Job Just in Time for the New Year

32 Memes for New Hires Who Begin Their New Job Just in Time for the New Year

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 23250181

'A great deal of free labor': Candidate withdraws their application after being asked to prepare entire presentation using real company data

'It's not like I singled her out': Coworker keeps hogging the microwave, employee confronts her, gets in trouble with HR

'It's not like I singled her out': Coworker keeps hogging the microwave, employee confronts her, gets in trouble with HR

interview interviewee interviewer boss resume questions job job-hunting funny work employee employees boss workplace manager supervisor

'Do you like to laugh?': 30+ Weirdest interview questions that had job-hunters running for the door

'I've gotten my pay reduced twice in four months': HR blindsides employee, moves him from salary to hourly rate, pays him less per hour

'Get everything in writing': HR blindsides employee, moves him from salary to hourly rate, pays him less per hour

'I'll get a doctor's note when you pay for doctors': Company changes sick day policy, employee gets shamed for calling in sick, forced to provide 'proof'

'I'll get a doctor's note when you pay for doctors': Company changes sick day policy, employee gets shamed for calling in sick, forced to provide 'proof'

'Stop crying and get back to work': Underpaid receptionist quits for a better job, learns 1.5 years later that her ex-boss still can't fill her position

'Stop crying and get back to work': Underpaid receptionist quits for a better job, learns 1.5 years later that her ex-boss still can't fill her position

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers askreddit job seeker workplace Horrible Bosses job interview interview employment in the workplace - 23048965

'I don't hire people with beards': 20+ Candidates share the reason they walked out of job interviews

'Good luck managing this sinking ship': Employee sends savage resignation email after CEO impulsively fires eight new people

'Good luck managing this sinking ship': Employee sends savage resignation email after CEO impulsively fires eight new people

'After this I want to quit': Employee request PTO to attend family funeral, boss asks for proof of the service

'After this I want to quit': Employee requests PTO to attend family funeral, boss asks for proof of the service