

helpful life hacks lol information watermelon funny - 107248129

Dude Shows How To Tie Down A Watermelon

Finally, we can avoid busting all our melons.
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An informative Tumblr post seeks to debunk widespread misconceptions about chickens and eggs.

Informative Tumblr Post Aims To Debunk Misconceptions About Chickens And Eggs

Yay, new info about chickens and eggs.
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funny history memes, jokes and references

History Memes For Book-Learned Knowledge Mongers

Yes, do the learning.
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A collection of life pro tips that could come in handy for folks.

Life Pro Tips That Could Come In Handy

Always down to make life a little easier.
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strange and untrue things kids were told in sex ed

Weird and Wild Junk People Were Told In Sex Ed

Where's the "ed" part?
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The most obvious scientific conclusions people ever witnessed. | DoctorSneak• 3h Most sharks attacks happen shallow water close beach. Makes sense as 's where all people are.

Most Obvious Scientific Conclusions People Witnessed

Yay, science stuff.
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People share their most invaluable mental health tips. | a_snails_pace Never evaluate life tired. This is so true. Ever notice things seem much worse at night worries seem at their worst next morning brain can think ways fix them and most times they aren't there next day. Edit: My mother told this once and l've never forgotten

AskReddit Thread: People's Most Invaluable Mental Health Tips

Might as well take these on this strange life trip.
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Tumblr story explains that all celebrity clothes are tailored to look good | inkdot This weekend told story which, although kind ashamed admit because holy shit is ever obvious, is kind blowing my mind friend friend won free consultation with Clinton Kelly Not Wear, and she very excited, because she has plus-size body, and wanted some tips on make most her wardrobe fashion culture which deliberately puts her body at disadvantage. Her first question him this do celebrities make plain white

Thread Explains Why Celebrities Always Look Better In Clothes

They're all getting their stuff tailored; it's not fair.
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funny memes about history | think people 14th :08 Century would be mind blown by: ONEPLUS they'd Spices really be mind blown by: | Hapsburgs they see their cousins at family reunion He is 3.5 metric tons raw, sexual aggression.

History Memes to Become One with Time

Become learned through memery.
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A Tumblr thread about the real reasons behind people wearing fur clothing. | teaboot Follow understand why people dislike leather and animal products. But leather is such good resource? Like My mom bought sturdy leather coat 1989 my 20's and now wear coat s 30 year old coat? 30 years, two generations, one coat. Versus, like plastic one rips and gets thrown out, or releases bits into ecosystem every time 's washed, takes billion years decompose, lasts maybe decade if super duper careful, and uses

Tumblr Thread: Fur Clothing Vs. Vegan Clothing

This is sure to get people fired up.
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A Tumblr thread about ask culture vs guess culture | mefitours-blog-blog Ask Culture and Guess Culture "One my wife's distant friends has attempted invite herself stay with us, again writes exasperated owner prime 2 bedroom apartment New York City this Ask MetaFilter question She did this last March, and used excuse starting new job and needing do x, y, and z as well as out town" excuse any remaining dates. This got us off scot-free, but both knew time would come again and 's here need final

Tumblr Thread: Ask Culture Vs. Guess Culture

No means no.
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Twitter Thread on ADHD symptom rejection sensitive dysphoria | paintedbees There are lot symptoms ADHD are just awful live with, but one takes cake by far is rejection sensitivity dysphoria. This fucker, THIS FUCKER will fly ona broom and shit all over good day ll take thing love and make loath | out enjoying an activity with friends, something been looking forward something excited and passionate about. And then--someone might say or do something innocuous like ok ok, calm down

Twitter User Explains Their Most Hated ADHD Symptom

Sounds like a day ruiner.
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A story about how witches roll | vintagegal Girls pose by jail recalls witch trials 1692 Salem, Massachusetts. Photo taken 1945. theybuildbuildings recently learned water Salem contaminated with fungus which LSD is derived and legitimate theory whole thing is everyone town tripping balls

Tumblr Thread: Crazy Reason People Believe In Witches

Just in time for spooky season.
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McDonalds ice cream machines always broken

Man Explains McDonald's Ice Cream Machine Protocol

Finally, an explanation.
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An informative Tumblr thread about how cats became domesticated | koryos CATS let's talk about housecats and fucking weird they are evolutionarily/anthropologically like who thought good idea have tiny malicious predators our homes anyways not us actually are they even domesticated yes do they even feel LOVE yes LET'S LEARN ABOUT CATS

Tumblr Thread: How Cats Ended Up Being Domesticated

All the knowledge.
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A Twitter thread from an economist about money and people's psyches | Daryl Fairweather @FairweatherPhD One weird perks about being an economist is acquaintances often want tell their investment strategies, and then conversation weirdly turns into deep dive into acquaintance's psyche (thread (1/7))

Twitter Thread: Economist Explains People's Investment Strategies

Humans are fascinating creatures.
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