
choosing beggars choosing beggar aita entitled entitled people entitled parents karen karens karens in the wild karen-customer customer service customers influencer influencers

Artist exposes "influencer" demanded the artist pay her for the privilege of working for her

aita AITAH influencer influencers entitled people entitled entitled people karma entitled parents real estate

Couple sues "mommy influencer" after she secretly films them and posts the video online: 'Our faces are clearly visible in the videos I might add'

annoying choosing beggars instagram influencer social media mildly infuriating infuriating social stories influencers irritating choosing beggar - 36270341

'She spent $7 on an ice cream cone for an Instagram picture, then threw it away': 15+ Mildly infuriating social media influencers

'Choosing beggar influencers will call the hotel...they demanded a nice hotel room': Hotel staffers develop hilarious scheme to get even with social media influencers

'Choosing beggar influencers will call the hotel': Hotel staffers develop hilarious scheme to get even with obnoxious social media influencers

'My first "influencer" call was the funniest thing ever': Hotel receptionist encounters micro influencer with over inflated ego, he requests "deals"

'My first "influencer" call was the funniest thing ever': Hotel receptionist encounters micro influencer with over inflated ego, he requests "deals"

'Exactly as fake and staged as you imagine': 20+ Friends and spouses of influencers explain the behind-the-scenes drama of influencer life

'Exactly as fake and staged as you imagine': 20+ Friends and spouses of influencers explain the behind-the-scenes drama of influencer life

'Mid-conversation they filmed a TikTok': 30+ Influencers who act totally different behind the scenes

'Mid-conversation they filmed a TikTok': 30+ Influencers who act totally different behind the scenes

aita gym weightlifting revenge influencer in the wild petty revenge influencer weights influencers lifting entitled people - 23991045

Gym members get even with entitled "influencer" for filming them in the gym: 'I purposely walked in front'

'I lost my job': Influencer gets tattoo artist fired for refusing to serve her first

'I lost my job': Influencer gets tattoo artist fired for refusing to serve her first

1-star-reviews entitled-influencer 1-star-review influencer karen-reviews entitled influencers karen entitled people - 20444421

Influencer leaves 1-star review when restaurant refuses to comp her meal in exchange for "exposure"

I am currently on holiday and my new favourite pastime is having no patience for instagram wannabe models

'I walked in front of the camera': Redditor sparks online discussion with their petty tactic for dealing with influencers out in the wild