
in the workplace

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35552261

'Just wear earplugs': Loud car owner gets roasted for their flippant response to their neighbor

Consistent, persistent, and especially unnecessary noise is an absolute menace when it comes to life in a neighborhood community. Sure, everyone's going to have a need to make noise, and that's just part of life, too. Mowing lawns and other home and garden maintenance are by no means quiet, nor are playing children and outdoor social gatherings. Still, something that happens occasionally can be understood and is thus tolerable, even if it is a slight annoyance. But incessant noise over a sustai…
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boss antiwork workplace-stories employee bonus job bosses work coworkers mildly infuriating paycheck reddit thread Reddit company in the workplace - 35569157

'I should have known it was too good to be true': Accounting department employee pranks coworkers with fake bonuses, employees realize it's a joke after a week of waiting for direct deposits

Naturally, being told you're receiving a bonus at work is extremely exciting. Anytime you are gifted money for recognition of your hard work and dedication, it is a pleasant surprise and a cause for celebration. But after reading this story, you might want to wait to for physical evidence of that bonus before you go off celebrating and spending it all. This employee from the accounting department decided to play a cruel joke on his coworkers by informing them that they were receiving...
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workplace discussion corporate workplace-stories jobs hr job malicious compliance work human resources workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35575045

HR demands central corporate process is followed, trainer takes control of their workshop to train them on those processes beating them at their own game: 'We mapped out every single step'

“if you ever need to refuse to do something in [the] corporate world, don't say you won't do it—accept it and make sure it slows to an excruciating crawl.” Words written by this worker have never been more true, and those who successfully navigate the corporate world find themselves consistently using this tactic to shake off unwanted work without bringing needless attention to themselves. This worker was an employee of a large corporate entity tasked with training employees and managers alike.…
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salary boss antiwork employee drama job work coworkers Horrible Bosses hourly employee reddit thread Reddit company business entitled people employment in the workplace - 35583749

Boss promotes all hourly employees to salary, workers find out 6 months later that he lied: 'Because he was now “salary,” we didn’t see compensation for those extra hours'

It sounds like this boss isn't going to have his job for much longer. These hourly employees work for a nonprofit where they do manual labor outside all day long. Their boss announced to them that they all were being promoted to salaried employees, and the team couldn't have been more excited . Who wouldn't be happy about a promotion? Being salaried means you can finally take PTO time without the guilt of taking a day off for yourself and being unpaid. That's a huge win for the OP (Original Pos…
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workplace discussion bank workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment banking in the workplace - 35575557

'Ok, I'll do it your way': Bank teller gets told off by their bosses for trying to improve cash ordering system, everything goes wrong

You might think that handling a truckload of cash every day would be an exciting gig, invoking images in your mind of the opening scene of “The Dark Knight” with clowns wearing clown masks and school buses and such being a part of the everyday experience. Well, hate to break it to you, but nothing about working in a bank makes for an exciting gig.
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customer service workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance karen-customer work customers client workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35575301

Client demands their contract be serviced by worker's in an office, get footed with a hefty bill for remote workers' increased compensation and time: 'Turns out the contract was very clearly written and the client had to pay'

When making demands from someone who you're paying to provide you with a service, you'd do well to be certain that you know what those terms are. See, industries that work for clients on a contract basis have a habit of not notifying you that your additional requests will be incurring additional charges once the original terms of the agreement have already been agreed to. And why would they? You've already agreed to them, so it's fair to assume you already know the cost of what you're requestin…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance teaching work teachers teacher workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35512837

Principal tells teacher to teach extra classes or look for another job, teacher follows his advice sparking a mass resignation: 'Teach this course next year or look for another job'

Teachers are underappreciated… by administrative staff, parents, and even the students they teach. To many, this comes as no surprise and is a well-known fact. When coupled with the fact that teaching also requires a lot of additional after-hours work to create lesson plans and grade assignments, it becomes exhausting work. And that's before we even address the shocking political kerfuffles that often plague schools and entire school districts. Still, there are those silent heroes, those fantas…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35535877

Employees get unpaid overtime backpaid totaling in over $300,000 by using employer's own logic against them: 'These are the rules we're just following them'

Working overtime stinks. The one upside of trading your free time—when you'd normally be at home with your pants off instead of at work—is getting that sweet, sweet time and a half… That is, if you live somewhere in the world where getting increased pay is a legal requirement. If you're unlucky enough to live somewhere where they never bothered to make it a law, you're probably just getting your normal rate… if you're getting paid at all. See, there's a secret third option that some more unscru…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 35534853

Employer fires 17-year-old employee after they miss a shift due to hospitalization, despite family phoning boss: 'At this point we are terminating your employment'

When the worst happens, you might hope that those with authority in your life would have your back, meeting the needs of the situation rather than taking it as a chance to exert their authority and kick you while you're down, attempting to hold you to uncertain terms of an agreement that shouldn't be in the forefront of anyone's mind. Unfortunately, the world is not quite so forgiving, and you'll often find that when it comes to professional arrangements, your personal needs and the situation p…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35512581

Database admin gets boss fired by rerouting critical messages to his pager that go unanswered: 'His face falls, he knew right then he screwed up'

You're going to get things wrong, and that's just a simple truth. There's no way you're going to get through this life without making a simple mistake. Owning that mistake, however, is a skill and one not a lot of people seem to possess—especially when it's your boss. This database admin worked on a team that had a requirement for an on-call rotation. If you've ever been on call, you probably know where this is going… Everything about the on-call system worked well, and the team even had its ow…
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blue collar employee boss hilarious antiwork jobs employee job relatable memes work memes work coworkers customers funny memes workday company funny in the workplace - 35467781

29 work posts for the employees who need a meme break to get through the workday

It's been a long day, and it's only the beginning of the week. There's no way bosses can expect their employees to maintain undivided attention all day long while still expecting them to produce top-notch work. Everyone needs a break once in a while. Whether you're having lunch in the break room, hiding in the bathroom, or tucked away in your cubicle, you need to recharge to get through the rest of the day. So why not recharge in the best way possible? Take a little meme break.
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customer service customer support customers employment customer job jobs retail work workplace malicious compliance entitled people workplace-stories workplace discussion in the workplace karen customer workplace malicious compliance - 35513093

Customer insists flooring installer does it their way, gets exactly what they asked for: 'I got paid to remove the work that I just got paid to install so I can get paid to install it again'

With so much information accessible at the tips of our fingers, it's easy for anyone to think that they're an expert. Without realizing it, they're missing the context, experience, and knowledge of the framework that's used to properly define the information they think they're an authority in—all things that an actual expert would know and possess. Of course, when you're delivering a service to clients, they're going to want to do things their way. But, as the customer, it's important to know w…
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customer service employee entitlement drama job malicious compliance server work coworkers customers restaurant entitled reddit thread waitress Reddit company entitled people in the workplace - 35484165

'I completely ignored the fact that most of their table is now taken over with little dishes of ranch': Impatient customer asks 4 workers for more ranch, petty server maliciously compiles

Servers have to deal with it all. Mainly irritated customers. Whether it's dinner rush, the kitchen is backed up, or you are dealing with a Karen customer, you have to know how to maintain your composure, even in the most ridiculous of situations. In this story, a server is dealing with an impatient customer who wants more ranch (why is it always ranch?). The server heard his request the first time but still had multiple other tables to check on. She had a system going, and she'd get the impa...
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management boss antiwork jobs good advice employee employment-discussion manager job work coworkers askreddit reddit thread Reddit company employment in the workplace - 35483141

27 Jobs that are much less enjoyable than employees expected: 'Working in a small company that likes to think they are a big company will destroy the fiber of your being'

The grass always seems greener on the other side. But the truth is, that's not always the case. Sometimes, we can be going through a tough time at work and find ourselves questioning if this is really the right industry for us. When we're young, we're told we can be anything we want, and there are so many professions out there that sound interesting—doctors, vets, teachers, chefs, etc. But then, once you get into the field, it's not as glorious as you were hoping.
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35497733

'The company ended up going into liquidation': Manufacturing boss demands overworked laborer stick to his original duties despite the fact that they've been doing every job alone, their compliance sinks the company

During the course of your career, it's generally thought that going above and beyond is often associated with greater reward… at least eventually. However, it's also possible that you'll end up working for people who will just take advantage of your willingness to do extra work and provide extra value to their company without extra pay. This workshop laborer helped in the production and manufacture of sheds for use on clients' farms and other similar business uses. They helped with cleaning, ma…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35439877

'Stay in my own lane? You got it': Care facility worker told not to help clients during admin hours, boss begrudgingly has to get their hands dirty

This worker worked in a draining middle management position in a care facility that was overseen by a “micromanaging dinosaur” of a boss who demanded strict adherence to rules—even the nonsensical and arbitrary ones they made up—and relishing in the chance at catching workers out for not following them. If you're getting an image of Nurse Ratchet from One Flew Over a Cuckoo's Nest in your mind, you're probably on the right track… At one point, the worker was forbidden from interacting with clie…
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