
in laws

family drama aita drama sister-in-law family feud in laws family - 20783877

‘She thinks she is fixing stuff’: Sister-in-law’s unsanctioned sauce seasoning causes major family schism

For those of us who love some zest and spice, it’s always difficult eating at that relative or friend’s place who refuses to add even a grain of salt or dust of pepper to their meals. These people have clearly never used their tastebuds before, and it shows. Still, it’s worth acknowledging that this is a rather pretentious thing to think; you should always just be grateful that someone cares enough to cook you a meal at all. Cooking is an investment of time, and—unlike some ingredients—time doe…
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family drama amitheahole aita drama families sister-in-law relationship-drama in laws family Reddit - 20748037

'I could still cancel their reservations": Choosing beggar in-laws complain about an all expenses paid trip to Disney

Never look a gift horse in the mouth—and never gift a look mouth in the horse. That doesn't make sense you say? Well, I feel like it makes about as much sense as the original. Horses and mouthes aside, it's never a good idea to make an issue about something someone is giving you for free. For one thing, it's free and there's nothing better than free stuff. Even if someone gives you a nest of angry bees at least you can make honey. If you're allergic to bees, at least you've gained the knowledge…
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family drama marraige in laws parents relationships family feud family drama aita family-drama-stories - 20402437

'AITA for adjusting the thermostat at my in-law's house and not letting them adjust it at mine?': Family's thermostat battle heats up

Few family arguments get more—well… heated than the arguments that emerge over the thermostat and its setting. With different groups and subgroups of people fiercely insisting on wildly different settings that agree with their specific preferences—things can get cold-blooded. Speaking of cold-blooded: That's exactly what this guy's lizard-person relatives are. Who in their right mind chooses to exist in 80 ° F heat when you could just as easily not? These in-laws must spend most of their time b…
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AITA for telling my fiance's family that he's unemployed after they kept implying that I was a "Gold Digger?"

'I'm literally providing for her unemployed son': Woman lashes out at future mother-in-law for calling her a Gold Digger

Are you saying she's a Gold Digger?
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‘She Needs to Pay Her Own Way’ : Wealthy in Laws Refuse to Pay For Daughter in Law in All Inclusive Family Vacation, Put Son In Awkward Position

‘She Needs to Pay Her Own Way’ : Wealthy in Laws Refuse to Pay For Daughter in Law in All Inclusive Family Vacation, Put Son In Awkward Position

These types of in-laws are always willing to pay for divorce attorneys.
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AITA for telling my SIL to grow and stop coping everything from Tiktok

'Grow [up] and stop copying everything from TikTok': Woman blasts SIL for being 'easily influenced,' gets roasted by the internet

This woman gained a hater all because she's, um, using social media platforms ? No one ever said growing older would be easy, but this woman is having a lot of trouble adapting to new technologies. As u/Automatic-Ad-5753 wrote to r/AmItheA**hole, she has an issue with her SIL's extensive use of the TikTok social media platform . The writer claims that the SIL finds basically all her hobbies and inspirations from the app. And what are these trends that have the OP so upset? Well, her SIL is doin…
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family drama drama relationships in laws mother in law family dramatic - 19148293

'Mum is crying now because of you': Family photo refusal causes major breakdown at family gathering

Everyone knows that mother who is obsessed with getting everyone together for a family photo, insisting that they get that one perfect shot despite persistent refusals and general chaos amongst the group. The thing is, these mothers, like other photo-obsessed people, are actually right about this. It's not something you appreciate until you're older and memories are beginning to fade… but there's a certain satisfaction in being able to glance at a photo and being suddenly flung back in time, as…
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Sister-in-law this morning on Facebook announced that they are only accepting gift cards in the future....

'People are openly heckling her': Tacky SIL announces her tasteless new gifting rule, gets roasted on Facebook by her own friends and family

Not everyone believes in that old saying, “It's the thought that counts.” U/Salt_Mood_7908 wrote to the r/etiquette sub with a burning question on her mind. She's suddenly found herself in an awkward situation with her SIL. This SIL asked for only “vanilla cards” as presents. While this is a term I've never heard before, it apparently refers to prepaid debit cards . And this SIL wants only those, so that she won't be “loaded down with stuff she won't use.” Now, if you want to have a preference…
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family drama aita marriage pregnancy family stories drama sister-in-law siblings in laws birth ahole family pregnant sister stories couple - 19542533

'YTA. Holy moly': Woman roasted online for 'cruel' remark about SIL's miscarriages, husband attempts to redeem her and receives the same treatment.

Sometimes, you need to know when to quit and when to walk away. Sometimes, you should also learn to take advice the first time it's given to you… especially when you directly asked for it. This couple would do well to learn this and listen to the advice they received from Reddit's r/AmItheA**hole community this week. The pair made separate posts to the sub to see whether or not the wife was in the wrong for her comments to her husband's sister. Her sister-in-law offered her some advice about th…
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AITA for calling my mom when my husband refused to listen to me?

'They need to leave': Pregnant wife returns from hospital to find her brother-in-law's entire family living in their home

This must be the plot of either a screwball comedy or a total horror nightmare!
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AITA for cancelling my son's birthday party because my Mother-In-Law left poop on my toothbrush

'Your MIL is LITERALLY TOXIC': Guy's MIL gets defensive after major babysitting bathroom fail

This lady makes a compelling candidate for the worst mother-in-law!
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AITA for telling my BIL to get over himself and to quit holding a 10 year old grudge?

'You and your family sound massively entitled': Guy tells BIL to 'get over' his 10-year grudge so their families can vacation together

This guy asked if he's in the wrong for a decade-old family mistake that his BIL just can't put behind him. He's crazy for even asking that! As the OP shared to r/AmItheA******, there was an incident that took place about a decade prior, but which has rippled out into the current day, since his brother in law will not forgive and forget the situation. The OP wrote that the BIL is a construction worker, and while he was away, the OP and his father borrowed some pricey equipment . Like, thousands…
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'Imagine having $500 to blow just to be petty': Update! Woman takes her boorish MIL's unsolicited gift and does a delightful 180 with it

'Imagine having $500 to blow just to be petty': Update! Woman takes her boorish MIL's unsolicited gift and does a delightful 180 with it

What's the worst gift you've ever gotten? No matter how bad the gift you receive is, the polite thing to do is thank the person who gave it to you — after all, it's the thought that counts . That's the issue here, with this person's unhinged mother in law who put a decent amount of ill will behind this present. As the OOP tells it, her MIL gifted her a present that is impressively unusable! She asked the internet what exactly she should do with this gift card of bad omens. With this update, we…
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Entitled Parent Ruins Christmas By Stealing My Son's Nintendo Switch

'She stormed off screaming': Disastrous sister-in-law steals child's new Nintendo Switch that they just received for Christmas

We usually spend our childhood years with a certain expectation that all adults will have good critical thinking and rationality; it becomes unfortunately clear to us as we age that a lot of adults are as incompetent as an overgrown version of the child that we once were. Maturity doesn't just come with age; it's something that has to be consciously worked towards, but a lot of people just… don't. It takes a certain special kind of person to try and steal another child's present to give to thei…
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AITA for telling my parents I won't attend their christmas celebration until they send my husband a separate invitation?.

Update: 'Parents have disinvited me': Immature husband throws a fit when in-laws don't send him his own invitation to Christmas, gets couple disinvited

The proverbial phrase “Don't look a gift horse in the mouth” feels incredibly relevant when discussing invitations to Christmas celebrations — what with the whole gift-giving thing and all. Still, one might consider repurposing this into something that directly fits the occasion. I'm thinking something here along the lines of “Don't interpret an invitation on the recipient line.” — or something of that nature. Like, your name's already on the invitation dude. It's not normal to send couples mul…
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AITA for leaving a fake postive pregnancy test in the bedroom to catch my husband's mom snooping?

'I got tons of calls and texts from my in-laws "congratulating" me for my "pregnancy"': Snooping MIL uncovers fake pregnancy test, announces it to entire family

Is it ever appropriate to blame a rat catcher for catching a rat?
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