
'What exactly do you want from my husband?': Entitled Karen shopper grabs tall guy at grocery store to help her, tall guy's wife intervenes and calls her out

'What exactly do you want from my husband?': Entitled Karen shopper grabs tall guy at grocery store to help her, tall guy's wife intervenes and calls her out

'Hey! You can't park there!': Entitled rich dude assumes delivery man is valet, gives him the keys to his car, backlash ensues

'Hey! You can't park there!': Entitled rich dude assumes delivery man is valet, gives him the keys to his car, backlash ensues

'I'm not lying, I don't work here': Store manager confuses flight attendant with employee, insists that she stop playing 'tricks' and start working

'I'm not lying, I don't work here': Store manager confuses flight attendant with employee, insists that she stop playing 'tricks' and start working

'Put your own groceries in your own car!': Young man helps older woman with her groceries, Karen assumes he works there and treats him poorly, older woman comes to his defense

'Put your own groceries in your own car!': Young man helps older woman with her groceries, Karen assumes he works there and treats him poorly, older woman comes to his defense

'First of all, I don't work here': Gas station Karen demands assistance from customer, he claps back, she leaves ashamed

'First of all, I don't work here': Gas station Karen demands assistance from customer, he claps back, she leaves ashamed

'That lady needs a talking to': Grocery store Karen throws tantrum over woman's dress code thinking she works there, manager intervenes

'That lady needs a talking to': Grocery store Karen throws tantrum over woman's dress code thinking she works there, manager intervenes

'I honestly don't work here': Karen refuses to believe total stranger isn't her grandmother's nurse, starts ordering her around

'I honestly don't work here': Karen refuses to believe total stranger isn't her grandmother's nurse, keeps ordering her around

'You better have all 30 bags on my car before I get back': Teenager mistaken for hardware store employee gets back at impatient DIYer

'You better have all 30 bags on my car before I get back': Teenager mistaken for hardware store employee gets back at impatient DIYer

jobs job work customer service talesfromretail idontworkherelady retail retail worker karen-customer tales-from-retail - 2386951

'I don't work here': Guy gets accused of slacking at a job that isn't even his and accosted by another customer

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Karen chases customer out of store, employees lock her out with her stuff still inside: 'They just closed and locked the doors'

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'I quit well over 10 years ago': Worker gets called in to work a shift at the fast food place they left 10 years prior

customer support customer service workplace-stories talesfromretail idontworkherelady retail karen-customer customers karen-customers tales-from-retail - 23972101

Karen tells shopper they're dressed too casually for a job that isn't even theirs: 'I'm not at my job right now'

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'The cops were called': Karen arrested for accosting customers she mistook for employees, who play along to send her over the edge

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'YOU SHOULD BE SERVING ME': Bookstore worker on a coffee break accosted by raging Karen who thinks she works there

customer service getting fired karens idontworkherelady fired karen-customer work customer karen - 21884677

'You're fired!': Karen insists customer be fired from a store where he doesn't even work

workplace-stories work idontworkherelady manager quit workplace quitting - 21736965

'I don't take orders from you anymore': Worker shuts down manager's demand that they come back into work after quitting

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