
idiot coworker

terrible coworkers workplace-stories idiot coworker workplace-story manager coworkers dickhead co-workers managers workplace story idiots - 19503877

'Where is your manager!?': Idiot coworker ironically self-reports grievous safety violation when demanding worker's manager

Idiots can become a huge problem in the workplace when the “Peter Principle” takes effect and elevates them into positions they should never have held in the first place. From their positions of authority, they wreak havoc with their wider-reaching idiocy, making ill-advised decisions and unleashing their stupid wrath on competent workers. Luckily, that same double-edged sword of dimwitted confidence that got them in the position in the first place can also be their downfall; all it takes is th…
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idiot coworker coworkers entitled coworker terrible-coworker workplace-stories fired malicious compliance revenge story - 19119877

'Why are you talking?': Incompetent idiot coworker left helpless after rude response, gets fired

If you're going to go around being obscenely rude to other people, there are bound to be consequences—somewhere, sometime… at some point. You can't go about spreading the same toxic negativity and not expect the universe to throw it back in your face at some point. After all, you reap the seeds that you sow. Well, this terrible coworker was known for their rude responses, hot takes, and general know-it-all attitude; they landed themselves in hot water after rudely refusing assistance from their…
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