i quit

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'Management Uno reversed them': Entire team quits toxic workplace simultaneously, management "rejects" resignations and fires them anyways

'I'd be paid $6 an hour': Bar manager rebels against lazy boss who gives him an ultimatum, gets fired because he refused to work extra hours below minimum wage

'I'd be paid $6 an hour': Bar manager rebels against lazy boss who gives him an ultimatum, gets fired because he refused to work extra hours below minimum wage

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'My boss told me I was fired...': Boss gets real fired after pretending to fire workers as an April Fool's Day prank

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'I finally got her fired': Employee quits after harassment from her manager, gets rehired in a higher role and gets her boss fired

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'I stood up [and] gave him the double deuce': New employee quits after two days when boss demands they work during the birth of their child

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'Are they just [THAT] afraid of confrontation': Millennial boss sparks discussion about "ghost quitting" and whether it's a Gen Z thing or a minimum wage job thing

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Update! 'I finally left [nightmare] workplace': Overworked IT employee shares how their final two weeks went at their toxic job after epically quitting

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'I resigned': Boss shocked when worker quits after having their hours halved

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'I am not demanding': Demanding manager demands worker cover shift on their day off, demands their cooperation after they quit

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'Boss told me I'm stealing': Worker accused of wage theft for clocking in for meetings on their days off

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'I quit.' Manager quits after lazy Karen subordinate reports him to HR

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'Is she being duped?': Boss tries to trick coworker into resigning to avoid paying unemployment [UPDATE]

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'I will be leaving in order to [pursue happiness]': Coworker's genius resignation letter goes viral

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'Ok, then I quit.': HR tries to make employee work weekends after learning they work a side hustle, they quit

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'[They] didn't want to pay me a fair wage': Horrifically underpaid IT guy leaves and costs the company $40 Million

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'I accept your termination': Viral texts show immature boss flipping out after demanding unlimited worker availability for an already released schedule